

Discussion on the Improvement of Our Civil Servants Performancd Appraisal System

【作者】 张磊

【导师】 莫茜;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 行政管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 公务员绩效评估是政府对公务员实施科学管理的基础和关键,客观公正地对公务员绩效进行评估,是政府绩效评估中极其重要的一个环节,它为公务员的任用、奖惩、薪酬制度的设计以及培训提供了客观依据,是公务员改进工作、谋求发展及政府提高管理效率的重要途径。本文以全球绩效管理运动、《国家公务员法》的出台为背景,从绩效评估的基本理论入手,立足于我国公务员绩效评估的现状,深入研究了公务员绩效评估的内涵、特征、功能及其理论依据,在借鉴西方发达国家公务员绩效评估实践经验的基础上,尝试提出改进我国公务员绩效评估体系的构想与措施:参照《国家公务员法》的要求,在进一步明确公务员绩效评估工作目标的基础上,运用关键绩效指标(KRI)理论和层次分析方法确定评估指标及其权重,有针对性地构建了三类公务员的评估指标体系;并通过基于KPI的绩效评估体系在实践中的运用及问题分析,提出了解决实践中所遇到难题和进一步完善评估体系的相关措施,力图有效地提升我国公务员绩效评估工作的公正性和客观性,最终达到提高公务员绩效评估工作科学化和现代化水平的目的。

【Abstract】 The civil servant’s performance appraisal is the key problem of the management on civil servant. It’s very important to measure fare and objectively on the civil servant’s performance. The civil servant’s performance appraisal is an extremely important link in the modern personnel management system in our country. It offers the objective basis for the appointment, the rewards and punishments, salary system and the training of the civil servants, and it has been an important way for the civil servants to improve, develop themselves and for the government to raise the management efficiency. This article took The Global Performance Management Movement as background, based on the perfect of our civil servant’s performance appraisal, researched the content、character function and academic basis of civil servant’s performance appraisal, through summarizing and using for reference the theoretical research and practices of the civil servant’s performance appraisal in developed countries, try to proposes the conceptions and measures about the improvement of our civil servant’s performance appraisal: According to the《National civil servants law》, uses the theory of Key Performance Indicators (KPI) and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to determinate the weight of appraisal indicators, quantify appraisal standard, and has pointed to constructs the appraisal index of three kinds of civil servants. Through the application of civil servant’s performance appraisal which based on KPI, proposes a series of measures to solve the problems and consummate the civil servant’s performance appraisal system. Finally, realizes the goal of making the civil servant’s performance appraisal more impersonal and fair, and promoting the scientific and modernized level of our civil servant’s performance appraisal system.

【关键词】 公务员绩效评估KPI评估指标
【Key words】 Civil ServantsPerformance AppraisalKPIAppraisal Indicators
  • 【分类号】D630
  • 【被引频次】19
  • 【下载频次】869

