

【作者】 邓丽敏

【导师】 杨瑞萍;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 行政管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 大学的精神就在于开发优秀的人才,人才开发的成败是高校是否成功的关键,也是一个国家综合国力的直接体现。优秀的教师是高校特别是知名高校存在的先决因素,高校拥有优秀教师的数量和质量是高校能否脱颖而出的关键,高校的竞争就是人才的竞争,在高校竞争日益激烈的今天,高校人力资源开发成为困扰和制约高校发展的核心因素,如何走出这一困境,是高校人力资源开发的首要任务。在目前高校人力资源开发中,“外引”和“内发”是普遍运用的两种模式,两种模式各有利弊,“内发”型的人才开发模式是高校稳步发展的根本。但速度慢,投入经费大,易陷入学术近亲繁殖的陷阱,难以满足现实的需要。“外引”型的人才开发模式投资省,见效快,可以在短期内壮大高校的教学科研实力,增强了高校的活力,避免了“近亲繁殖”,迅速提高高校的总体实力。在具体的实际中两种模式常存在着彼此的冲突与契合。解决这一矛盾就需要运用新的管理思路,即把战略管理运用到高校人力资源管理中来。从高校战略发展的高度看,高校的战略目标就是要打造自己的核心竞争力,高校的一切工作包括人才开发都必须围绕这一目标而展开。它要求人才开发必须与高校自身的战略发展相匹配,为实现战略目标而搞好人才开发。在高校人力资源开发中必须具有超前意识,对人才有一个科学的预测和合理的规划。同时还必须树立服务意识,充分的服务于人才,为其创造有利的条件,引导人才为学校的战略目标服务。目前在高校人才开发中普遍存在着盲目引进缺乏战略思考,重引进轻内发忽视团队协作,重使用轻培养,观念陈旧落后等问题。为此,高校需要建立牵引机制,增进竞争机制,加强激励机制以完善人才管理机制;创造一个合理的人才开发机制,即建立一个合乎战略的人才引进机制,服务战略的人才培养机制,实现战略的人才流动机制。最后,为使人才开发更有效率,还需要营造和谐的校园文化,和谐的校园文化是人才开发的最佳环境,有了这一良好的软环境高等教育将会得到快速健康的发展。

【Abstract】 Spirit of the university lie in the development of the excellent talents. The success or failure talent development is the critical to the success of the colleges and universities, and also directly reflects of the national strength. If the colleges and universities can come to the fore, the precondition factor is the quantity and qualities of the excellent teachers. University competition is a competition of talents. Today, the university competition increasing, the exploitation of human resources becomes the core factors which puzzled and restrict the college development. Finding the way to go out the predicament is the University human resources development priority. In the current university development of human resources, there are two widespread use modes: "From the introduction of external" and "Internal Training". "Internal Training" mode is the University steady development of fundamental, but so slowly and the investment funds high, easily into the trap of academic inbreeding, it is difficult to fit the real needs. "From the introduction of external" mode can save investment and have the fast results, can strengthen the universities teaching and research in the short term. Enhance the university vitality, and rapidly enhancing the colleges and universities’ overall strength. In the specific practice, there are two models often conflict or fit with each other.Resolve this contradiction need to apply the new management ideas, make the strategy management into the university management of human resources. From the University strategic development, the University strategic goal is to create its own core competitiveness, all the work including the college talent development must focus on this goal. It requires the talent development in colleges and universities themselves must be matched to the strategic development, to achieve strategic goals and improve talent development. In the development of human resources in colleges and universities must have advance awareness, and have a reasonable scientific forecasting and planning to talents. It’s also necessary to foster a sense of service, fully serve the talents, to create favorable conditions, to guide personnel to serve the strategic goal. At present, colleges and universities in developing human resources widespread blindly introduced and a lack of strategic thinking. Attach importance to the introduction but neglect the teamwork. Attach importance to the use but neglect the Cultivation. So, colleges and universities need to establish traction mechanism, enhance competition mechanism, and strengthen incentive mechanism, in order to improve personnel management mechanism; create a reasonable mechanism for the development of human resources, With the establishment of a mechanism for the introduction of strategic personnel, personnel training services strategy mechanism, achieve the strategy of the flow of talent mechanism. Finally, in order for the development of human resources can be more efficiently, we need to create a harmonious campus culture, a harmonious campus culture is the best environment for talent development, the higher education will be rapid and healthy development in this soft environment.

  • 【分类号】G647.2
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】290

