

The Study on Procurement of Real Estate Enterprises

【作者】 王刚

【导师】 陈慧;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 项目管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 房地产业已发展成为国民经济的支柱产业,成为中国经济持续增长的重要推动力,为国民经济的快速增长做出了突出贡献。房地产以其快速的发展势头、巨大的产业带动作用受到全社会广泛的关注和重视。但近年房价增长过快、市场供给偏紧、供应结构矛盾突出和市场秩序混乱等问题一直困扰着房地产业的发展,国家出台了涉及行政法规、金融信贷、土地供给一系列宏观调控政策,规范房地产市场秩序。房地产企业正面临着越来越激烈的市场竞争,要想生存与发展,必须改变经营机制,采用先进的管理思想、管理模式和管理手段。“以质量求生存,向管理要效益”,正成为房地产企业发展的新趋势采购管理对住宅产品的质量、成本、工期等起着非常重要的作用,是房地产企业实现差异化和低成本战略的主要手段之一。本文充分借鉴了当前有关采购管理研究的成果,采用了理论分析与案例研究相联系,定性分析与定量分析相结合等方法,对DF房地产公司的采购管理进行深入的分析与研究,目的是建立一套符合生产实际、科学规范的采购管理体系。论文绪论介绍了我国房地产市场发展现状,研究了2006年中国房地产市场的发展情况、存在问题和房地产企业的生存状况。在进行采购理论综述时,首先介绍了采购的概念及职能,然后阐述了供应链理论、ABC分类法、JIT采购法和供应商管理理论。论文以DF房地产公司为实例,对公司采购管理的现状、存在的问题及产生问题的原因进行了详细分析,然后结合理论对DF公司的采购材料进行分类,针对不同的材料类别,采用不同的采购策略。以此为基础,对采购流程作了优化,构建了科学的采购模式,并建立了规范的供应商管理体系。最后,论文强调指出:为保证采购机制顺利运转,加强组织系统的建设,对采购实行廉洁管理也是十分必要的。本文虽然是对DF房地产公司的采购管理进行个案研究,但是对当前处于快速扩张的其它房地产企业也具有很好的借鉴和参考意义。

【Abstract】 Real estate has become a pillar industry for the national economy, also an important impetus for China’s sustained economic growth, has made outstanding contributions to the rapid growth of the national economy.The society pays close attention to real estate, because of its rapid development and huge leading effect. But there are problems of excessive price growth, small supply, obvious contradiction between demand and supply, and market disorder. So China published a series of macro-control policies, including the administrative regulations, laws of financial credit and land supply to regulate the real estate market order. The real estate industry is facing an increasingly fierce market competition, in order to survive and develop; they must change the management mechanism, and adopt advanced management theories, management patterns and management tools. "Good quality to survive, management produces benefit." It is becoming the new trend of real estate enterprise development.The management on procurement is one of the major methods to achieve the difference strategy and low-cost strategy of real estate enterprises, because of its effect to products quality, cost, and time limit. This paper fully learn from the current research outcome of procurement management, using theoretical analysis and also case studies, qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis methods, doing in-depth study and analyze about the procurement of DF real estate company, in order to establish a scientific and standardized system of procurement management, that meets with actual production.The Paper introduces the current development circumstances of the real estate market of China, real estate market developments, problems and real estate enterprises living conditions of 2006. In procurement theory review, the paper first introduces the concept and functions of procurement, and then expounds the theory of supply chain, ABC classification method, JIT procurement method and Supplier management theory. The paper takes DF real estate Company as an example, detailed analyzing on current procurement status, the existing problems and reasons, and then combining theories to classify the procurement materials. Use different procurement strategies according to their categories. On this basis, the procurement process was optimized; scientific mode of procurement was established, the canonical Supplier management mode was established, too. Finally, the paper points out: In order to ensure the smooth functioning of the procurement mechanism, strengthen the building of organizational systems, a clean management of the procurement is also very necessary.Although this paper is a case study of DF real estate company procurement management, but it also has a good reference and reference significance to other current fast expanding real estate enterprises.

  • 【分类号】F293.3
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】346

