

Heilongjiang Postal Computer Network and Operation Management System Design

【作者】 刘岩

【导师】 马跃;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 计算机技术, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 黑龙江邮政计算机网络承载着金融类、邮务类、速递物流类和管理信息的传输、处理,涉及广域网传输、局域网组网、服务器、应用软件、安全设备等多种计算机技术和设备。近年来随着邮政企业信息化建设的不断深入,一批生产和管理系统陆续上线运行,提升了企业的运行和管理水平。但是,在全省网络建成初期,全网性业务系统相对较少,数据传输量也较小。随着企业业务的快速发展,数据传输量明显增大,要求全网性的业务种类越来越多,且大部分为实时业务。同时,出于节省成本、提高工作效率需要,办公系统和视频会议系统也得到广泛应用。随着企业发展,初期建成的网络已不能满足日益增长的需求,主要表现为,第一,受投资和技术限制,网络结构不完整,网络存在单点故障隐患。早期网络一般未考虑将不同安全级别和类型的业务分离管理,未考虑网络服务质量。第二,网络结构复杂,线路类型繁多,IP网段多,静态、动态路由混杂,即不利于维护,又存在安全隐患。第三,初期网络大多未考虑网管系统和安全系统,随着近年来网络风险的增加,很多企业认识到,网管系统和安全系统是企业网基础架构的一部分,可以防范病毒和攻击,有力保证网络稳定。本论文针对黑龙江邮政计算机网的现状,应用先进的管理思想和实用的网络通信技术,对黑龙江邮政网络进行了设计。该设计能够解决目前网络中存在的具体问题,如网络结构复杂,设计缺陷,增加了网络管理和安全管理等措施,在管理流程与技术手段有效结合的基础上,建设一个高效、可靠、安全、可管理的网络系统。

【Abstract】 Heilongjiang postal computer network carry the financial, postal services category, courier and logistics category management information transmission, processing, transmission involving WAN, LAN networking, server, application software, security devices and other computer technology and equipment.In recent years, with the building of Enterprise Information Post the constant deepening, and a number of production and management systems running on the line will enhance the enterprise’s operation and management level. However, the completion of the initial network in the province, the entire network operating system was relatively small, relatively small amount of data transmission. Along with the rapid development of business enterprises, data transmission was significantly increased for the entire network of more and more types of business, and most of the real-time business. At the same time, out of cost savings, improved efficiency needs, office systems and video conferencing systems have been widely used.Along with the development of enterprises and the early completion of the network can no longer meet the growing demand, mainly manifested as, first, by the investment and technical limitations, network architecture is incomplete, single point of failure the network are hidden dangers. Early networks generally did not consider different security levels and types of business from management, did not take into account the network quality of service. Second, the structure of complex networks, there were different types lines, IP network segment, static and dynamic routing mixed, that is not conducive to maintenance, and there are potential safety problems. Third, most of the initial network did not consider network management systems and security systems, with the risk increasing in recent years networks, many enterprises realize that network management systems and security systems enterprise network infrastructure is part of the virus and can prevent attacks, and effectively guarantee network stability.This paper for the Heilongjiang postal computer network status applies advanced management ideas and practical network communication technology, design the Heilongjiang postal network. The network is designed to resolve the current problems in, such as the complexity of the network structure, design defects, increased network management and security management, and other measures, in the management process and an effective integration of technical means on the basis of building an efficient, reliable, secure, the network management system.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【下载频次】141

