

The Research of the Social Distribution Channel of the Mobile of China Telecom Yingtan Subsidiary Company

【作者】 艾云飞

【导师】 张永泽;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 工商管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文立足于中国电信行业激烈的市场竞争环境,对中国电信鹰潭分公司移动产品的社会代理渠道建设和管理问题进行了研究。在研究论证过程中,本论文始终围绕两个焦点问题:其一,企业如何选择最适合的渠道来销售自己的产品和服务,即最适合企业要求的渠道模式是什么:其二,企业如何对渠道施加管理,特别是对渠道成员进行科学的管理。本文首先从市场竞争的角度提出了鹰潭电信大力发展移动通信业务社会代理渠道的必要性和紧迫性,接着分析了鹰潭电信准移动业务(小灵通)社会代理渠道发展现状和存在的问题,然后运用现代市场营销和渠道理论知识并结合鹰潭电信内外部竞争环境,提出了鹰潭电信移动通信业务社会代理渠道的建设策略,明确了移动业务社会代理渠道规划的思路,最后对鹰潭电信移动业务社会代理渠道的管理问题提出了切实可行的办法。本文以鹰潭电信准移动业务(小灵通)的社会代理渠道的建设和管理作为论文的研究对象,一方面可以为中国电信即将实施的基于CDMA业务以及3G时代(第三代移动通信技术)的渠道战略提供实践支持,另一方面也对电信行业这样以提供服务为主的特殊行业的渠道建设和管理问题进行了有益的研究和探索。本文既是对笔者MBA学习的一个总结提升,同时也期望能为中国电信运营商的渠道理论研究和实践应用提供帮助。

【Abstract】 The objective of this research is to study the social distribution channel of the mobile of China Telecom yingtan subsidiary company, based on the study of the competition environment of telecommunication industry in China.Firstly, the research investigated the necessity of the development of the mobile social distribution channel; secondly, the research studied the Existent distribution channel and Presenting Problem ; thirdly, some Proper recommendations of the distribution strategy were given based the study of the internal/external environment and the modern marketing and Distribution channel theories: and finally, the research suggested the management approaches for the distribution channels.The distribution channel of yingtan telecom Co.ltd was selected as the target of the research. The results of the research will Provide the strategic support for the implementation of the third generation telecommunication technology(3G)of China Telecom: on another hand, the research will Provide the theoretic support of the distribution channel building for the service—Providing industry , such as the telecommunication industry. The research is no only the delivery of the MBA Program, but also the support of the distribution channel studies for the telecommunication operators in China.

  • 【分类号】F274;F626
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】177

