

Research of Xi’an C Travel Agency Marketing Strategy

【作者】 倪路梅

【导师】 李树民;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 工商管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 自二十世纪七十年代末以来,随着我国改革开放政策的实施,以国际入境旅游为先导的旅游活动迅速发展起来。伴随着旅游活动的发展,特别是近年来国内旅游的发展,我国的旅行社行业也出现了前所未有的增长。但是随着旅行社行业的快速发展,旅行社企业的竞争变得激烈起来。适度的竞争原应有利于一个行业的健康发展,但目前旅行社行业的竞争过度且手段单一,各企业的竞争基本都依赖于价格手段,而并无太多的产品、渠道、促销方式等其它营销手段的创新。旅行社企业之间过度的价格竞争既损害了企业的利益,也损害了消费者的利益。在这一背景下,如何走出目前的恶性竞争的困境成为每个旅行社企业面临的问题。本文以西安C旅行社为例,通过对C旅行社的发展历史、目前的市场地位以及该企业的外部环境和内部环境进行定性和定量分析,提出了C旅行社在西安旅行社市场的市场定位,为C旅行社设计了以现有的旅游观光团队市场为依托,逐步实现向专项旅游市场和专业旅游市场渗透的市场营销目标,实现C旅行社由中低端市场向中高端市场发展转变的市场战略目标。本文在对国际主要的市场营销理论、市场竞争理论等进行评述的基础上,以这一线索为主导,运用4Ps理论分析了C旅行社现有的市场策略及存在的问题,并根据以上分析为C旅行社设计了新的市场营销组合策略。通过新的4P组合策略的实施,使C旅行社实现与其它旅行社企业的差异化经营,摆脱目前单纯的依赖价格竞争的局面,通过差异化取得企业的竞争优势,通过充分满足旅游者的多样化的需求实现企业与消费者的双赢,为C旅行社的持续稳定健康发展找到一条出路。本文从企业经营的实际出发,以现有的市场营销理论和竞争理论为基础,力求使本文所阐述的观点既有一定的理论依据,又具有实践的可操作性,能够为处于行业整合期的旅行社企业提供一定的借鉴。

【Abstract】 Since later 1970s, with the policy of Reform and Opening-up, tourism industry developed quickly leading by the inbound tour. Accompanied by the development of tour, the travel industry increased rapidly. During this course competition among the enterprise becomes heated. Proper competition is reasonable to the industry, but the travel agencies in our country depend so much on price that the enterprise proper profit is injured as well as the consumers’. In such a background every travel agency faces up with the problem that how to extricate from the predicament.In this essay, the C. Travel Agency also faced with the problem mentioned above. Through the quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis, the market status of the C. Travel Agency is identified. The target is provided that the C. Travel Agency should based on sight-seeing tour group, then turn to the specialty market. In such way the C. Travel Agency should changed their target market from low and medium level to medium and high level. According this clue, the market strategy is put forward based on the 4Ps theory. By the new 4Ps, the C. Travel Agency can found up a variety operation so that it can get the competitive advantage and break away from the predicament. So the consumers’ needs will be satisfied and the enterprise profit is available as well. The C. Travel Agency should find itself in a sustainable development.With the theoretical background in the Marketing and the Enterprise Competitive Strategy, the essay draws a conclusion of C Travel Agency’s marketing policy after the analysis of C Travel Agency’s marketing status. This essay is based on the practice of travel industry in our country, combining the theory with practice. We hope it should provide some suggestion to the enterprises of travel agency industry who are in conformity.

【关键词】 旅行社市场营销策略4Ps理论
【Key words】 travel agencymarketing strategy4Ps theory
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 10期
  • 【分类号】F274;F592.6
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】692

