

Research on the Economic Growth Pole of Shaanxi Province Based Light Industry

【作者】 王化中

【导师】 韦省民;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 国民经济学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 改革开放以来,陕西与中东部诸省的经济发展差距越来越大,而且这种差距呈进一步扩大的趋势。造成陕西经济落后的原因很多:有国家历史政策造成的先天缺陷、观念落后、产业结构不合理、企业创新能力不足、人才外流等等。但更重要是陕西经济的发展与增长缺乏正确的定位以及强有力的产业支撑。正是在这样的背景下,本文选择陕西经济的发展与增长研究这一课题,从经济学角度去探索陕西经济增长的途径。在现代区域研究中,增长极理论被广泛用作为区域发展的指导理论。该理论对研究不发达地区经济增长与发展问题具有重要意义。文章通过陕西经济的发展现状及与经济增长关系的统计实证分析,认为陕西轻工业的发展与陕西经济的增长存在极其重要的关系,轻工业的落后已经成为陕西经济增长的瓶颈性因素。解决陕西经济发展中的问题就必须贯彻落实科学的发展观、采取切实可行又有显著效果的具体措施,为解决陕西经济长远发展问题提供思路。本文创新地提出以增长极理论来认识和解读陕西经济发展中存在的各种问题,提出以轻工业作为陕西经济发展与增长的产业增长极,以及培育轻工增长极的具体对策。探索增长极理论在经济落后地区的具体应用,完善增长极理论。

【Abstract】 Since China’s reform and opening up to the outside world, the gap of economic development between Shaanxi province and the east of China has beenexpanding at an increasing speed. There were various causes for the situation------obstacles resulted from China’s historical policies, the falling-behind ideas, unreasonable industrial structure, deficiency of innovation competence of enterprises, talent outflow and so on. Yet among all the causes lack of appropriate positioning and strong industrial support are the most important. Under such a background, the dissertation makes a deep research on the topic of economic development and growth of Shaanxi province from an economic point of view.In the study of regional economy, growth pole theory is well recognized as the guiding theory for regional development, which is of great significance to the study on growth and development of undeveloped regions. Empirical analysis in the dissertation shows that light industry plays a very important role in the growth of the economy of Shaanxi province, and lagging behind of it has become the bottleneck of the growth of the province.A scientific development concept and concrete measures must be involved in ideas to improve the situation. The innovation of this dissertation lies in analyzing the economy of Shaanxi province with growth pole theory. It proposes that light industry can be taken as the growth pole of the province and gives some measures to accelerate the development of the industry. It extends the application of the growth pole theory in the field of undeveloped regions’ development.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 11期
  • 【分类号】F127
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】181

