

Carrefour in the Competition Strategy Research of Liaoning

【作者】 李妮

【导师】 安立仁;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 工商管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 家乐福成立于1959年,作为欧洲第一大零售商、世界第二大国际化零售连锁集团自从1995年进入中国市场便以卓越的开店速度和灵活的发展模式占尽中国市场的先机。到2004年时便有了单店年销售额达3.2亿多元,中国区年销售额134亿元、门店数量41家的成绩。而截止到2006年底,家乐福在中国区所开的门店已达到88家,比2004年时增加了一倍有余。家乐福在辽宁地区的竞争策略研究选题背景目前对于家乐福在辽宁竞争策略的研究主要是对比一些竞争对手进行的,这些竞争对手主要包括沃尔玛、乐购、北京华联、大商集团新玛特超市。沃尔玛在中国开业初期的经营原则是其传统的围绕物流中心开店,以增加物流中心的规模效益。但由于这种方法在中国市场出现的水土不服,它开始转而采用类似家乐福的跳跃式开业策略。北京华联以“低成本、低投入、高效益、高产出”为经营原则,以特许加盟经营方式,形成了以标准超市、大卖场、便利店为主营业态,同样采用跳跃式的开店策略在短时间内在全国各地增开门店。大商集团是东北第一大商团,几年来大商集团以不同寻常的速度,仅“攻城掠地”,2004年就吸纳了31个新成员。创新处:本论文的研究正是建立在详实市场调查数据的基础上,企业策略调整刚刚开始的时候进行的具有一定前瞻性的跟踪式调查研究,希望能对辽宁地区的超市零售业发展提供有力地参考依据。

【Abstract】 Carrefour, founded in 1959, as Europe’s largest retailer, the world’s second largest international retail chains Group since 1995 to enter the Chinese market will open with brilliant speed and the most flexible mode of development of the Chinese market opportunity. To 2004 when then had Shan Diannian the sales volume to amount to morethan 320 million Yuan, the Chinese area year sales volume 13.4 billion Yuan, the gate shop quantity 41 result. But until 2006 year’s end,family Le Fu in the Chinese area gate shop had achieved 88, comparewhen 2004 increased a time to have -odd.Carrefour in the competitive strategy of Liaoning research topics for Carrefour in the context of the current competitive strategy of Liaoning is the main competitor to contrast some of these major competitors including Wal-Mart, Hymall, Beijing Hualian, Dashang New-mark supermarket.Wal-Mart opened in the initial stage of China is the operating principle of its traditional focus on logistics center open to increase the scale and efficiency of the logistics center. But because most of this method in the Chinese market than anticipated, it started instead of leaping similar Carrefour opened strategy.Beijing Hualian take "the low cost, the low investment, the high benefit, the high production leaves" as the management principle, specially permits the alliance management way,formed by the standard supermarket, has greatly sold the field,convenience store primarily business condition, similarly used jumping-like opened a shop the strategy to increase the gate shop in the short time each place.Dashang group is the northeast first big merchant militia,for several year big business groups by the different common speed,only "attack the city to plunder", in 2004 has bought in 31 new members.Innovation place: This paper is based on detailed market research data based on the business strategy adjustment has just the beginning of a certain forward-looking tracking survey research, hope to the Liaoning region to provide effective development of the supermarket and retail reference.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 11期
  • 【分类号】F721.7
  • 【下载频次】690

