

Shi to Writer Status Evolution

【作者】 文雪平

【导师】 董运庭;

【作者基本信息】 重庆师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 士,作为中国古代社会的精英阶层,经历了礼崩乐坏、战乱频仍的春秋战国时代,他们以“道”自恃,傲视君侯,以帝王师、帝王友自居,有着独立的人格。群雄争霸的时代风云造就了他们政治上积极进取的功利性,以天下为己任的社会责任心。然而他们所追求的大一统盛世的到来,却是对士人最大的打击。他们仕进之路受到严重的限制,很难实现立德、立功以求不朽的用世之心,失去了独立人格,不得不依顺于帝王一人的脚下,开始了与政治、与帝王、与天下离合取舍的种种纠缠。他们在用世与出世之间的自我调节中,使失落的内心可以重新归附于一种平和,退而求其次,最终将自我寄托于文学,期望于立言之不朽,从而完成了士——文人身份的嬗变。汉赋是汉代的主流文学。汉赋作者在创作汉赋时,将自己的心灵轨迹留于汉赋当中。故汉赋所体现出来的主体意识之变化,对于士人文人身份嬗变历程的见证是最有代表性的。因而从汉赋中窥探士之心理变化,对于文学主体自觉的完成意义重大。汉赋创作由抒己之情的骚体赋,到铺张扬厉的汉大赋,再到抒情小赋等等一系列的文体演变,不仅仅是社会变化所致,汉赋作者心理变化也是其中重要原因。通过对汉赋创作主体的研究,使我们能够清晰可见士向文人身份嬗变的痛苦历程,文学自觉的必经之阶段。为追根溯源,本文选取了从西汉初年到东汉末年(包括建安时代)较长的时间段,以赋为载体来系统地论述士人向文人身份嬗变,最终完成了文学自觉中创作主体自觉的这一历程。本文将士向文人身份之嬗变历程,划分为四个阶段:大一统帝国初建的适应期(西汉初年到西汉中期),分裂的局势到大一统专制的开始,必然引起士人的不适感。士人独立、自由的本性受到冲击,以道自任的责任心与功利性的追求使士人进行自我调节,去适应大一统的政治局面,依附皇权。士之反思期(西汉末年到东汉中期) ,在西汉到东汉的更迭期,政治黑暗、战乱纷起,儒家的价值观受到动摇和怀疑,汉大赋的创作同样受到了质疑。士开始对自我的人生理想进行反思。士之心理转型期(东汉末年),东汉末年,士人受到了严酷的打击,不但仕进无路,而且党锢之祸尤为让士人心惊胆寒,对历代士人所追求的社会责任以及价值体系由失望到最终的放弃,从而使他们向文人身份靠拢。文人身份完成期(建安时期)。在乱世之中,原有的价值体系已经崩溃。此时的士人已经摆脱无恒产的境地,加之其身上固有的政治、军事才能,取得政治上地独立,对文学有了新的看法。立言之不朽成为首选,从而完成文人身份。本文以典型作家作品为例,综合两汉社会、政治、经济等诸多因素对士人的影响,看士人对汉赋之创作,由最初的不自觉或功利性的创作,到最后转向自觉的文学创作,从而在创作主体方面,为“文学自觉”时代的到来提供了重要条件。

【Abstract】 Shi as social elites in China ancient times society experienced at the collapse of the ceremony, frequent wars in the Spring and Autumn Period Warring States period. They have morality and justice, treat the king arrogantly, have the king teacher, the king friend’s status, have independent personality. The era of striving for supremacy hegemony situation created their politics positive enterprising utilitarian, caused them take the world as own duty social sense of responsibility. However, they pursued the universal prosperous times’arrivals, were actually to Shi biggest attack. Road of their official advancement received the serious limit. So it is difficult for them to establish morals and feats. They lost their independent character. They had to obedient in the king. They started with politics, and the king, and world meeting and parting choices all sorts of entanglements. They enter and leave the world in the self-regulation, so that the loss can be returned to a kind of inner calm. Second best in the end, they started to literary creation. They expected that in committing the ideas to paper the immortality, thus has completed Shi—writer status evolution.Hanfu is the mainstream literature in the Han Dynasty. When the authors wrote Hanfu, Hanfu reflect the author’s sense of the change. This is Shi to the writer status evolution course testimony is most representative. Therefore psychology of change the Shi will be observed from Hanfu. So Hanfu is very important to aware of the author. Hanfu from Saotifu which can freely expresses their feelings to Handafu which can perform prosperous times, to further develop Shuqingxiaofu which can expresses feelings with the small text, and so on a series of literary style evolution. Not only because of social change, is the author of Hanfu psychological change also an important reason. Through the authors of Hanfu’s research, enables us the clearly visible a process which Shi to the writer status evolution is a painful course.For getting to the bottom, this paper has selected from the Western Han Dynasty first year to the Eastern Han Dynasty last years (including Jian’an times) the long time section, take Hanfu as the carrier comes to elaborate the Shi systematically to the writer status evolution, completed the author to be aware finally. This paper will show Shi evolution of course the writer status, divides the period for adaptation which initially constructs for the universal empires (the Western Han Dynasty first year to the Western Han Dynasty intermediate stage), Shi’s reconsideration time (the Western Han Dynasty last years to the Eastern Han Dynasty intermediate stage), Shi’s psychological transition period (the Eastern Han Dynasty last years), the writer status completes the time (Jianan time) four times. The first time, the fission situation to the universal despotic startd, caused the Shi’s uncomfortableness inevitably. The Shi independence, the free natural disposition were under the impact, morality and justice, no matter what the sense of responsibility and the utilitarian pursue caused the Shi to carry on the self-adjustment, adapted the universal political scenes, the attachment imperial authority. The second time, alternated the time in Western Han Dynasty to the Eastern Han Dynasty, political darkness, the chaos caused by war is numerous, Confucianist’s values received the vacillation and the suspicion, the creation of Handafu had received the question similarly. The Shi started to the self-ideal of life to carry on the reconsideration. The third time, Eastern Han Dynasty last years, the Shi had come under the severe attack, not only the official advancement was roadless, moreover the Danggu especially to let the Shi heart startled scared, pursued the community responsibility as well as the value system to all previous dynasties Shi from disappointedly to final giving up, thus caused them to the writer status stem for stem. The fourth time, in the tumultuous times, the original value system already collapsed. This time the Shi already got rid of the non-property the region, in addition on his inherent on the political, military ability, obtain political to be independent, and had the new view to the literature. Commits the ideas to paper to become the first choice immortally, thus completes the writer status.This paper take the typical writer work as an example, synthesizes the Han Dynasty societies, politics, the economy and so on many factors to Shi influence, observes Shi’s Hanfu writing, from the initial not determination or the utilitarian creation, to change the aware literary production finally. Therefore in the author aspect was“the literature is aware”the time arrival to provide the important condition.

【关键词】 文人身份汉赋创作主体
【Key words】 ShiWriter StatusHanfu Writer

