

The National Newspaper Format Development and Innovation Against the Background of Globlization Environment of Digital Media Development

【作者】 徐建军

【导师】 李勤;

【作者基本信息】 广西大学 , 新闻学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 当今世界,媒体技术的突飞猛进与数字化的浪潮方兴未艾,各种新媒体不断诞生。传统报业近年来遭遇到空前的冲击。据有关数据表明,2005年以来,世界各国报纸的发行量和广告量都出现滑坡现象。面临这种情况,很多业内人士提出了报纸“冬天论”,“消亡论”等观点。然而,事实是否会如此?报纸真的会消亡吗?本论文尝试运用传播学、新闻学、社会学等学科的相关知识,以媒介生态学为理论基础,运用媒介生态学的“生态位规律"、“最小量规律”、“适度性规律”、“媒介生态互动论”等基本理论来分析阐述报业在数字化背景下能得以继续发展的可能性与必然性。结论是:媒介间的竞合态势符合媒介生态发展的客观规律,媒介与自然环境一样存在于一个庞大的环境系统,虽然每一种媒介都经历着一个从诞生、成长、成熟到衰亡的过程,但一种新媒介的诞生并不意味着一种旧媒介的消亡,一种旧媒介在经过变革后又蜕变出新的媒介,媒介的融合是媒介生态发展的必由之路。本文借助文献综述、实地调研等方法,结合报业发展的历史及其当前利用数字化技术所取得的成就,根据报业自身的劣势及其形成的原因,粗浅地提出报业继续发展创新的应对之策。本论文以上述两点为切入口来解读数字化媒体与传统报业的互动与博弈,期望能从传播学、新闻学的角度对报业的发展提供理论支持,抛出这块“粗砖”,引出更多“碧玉”。

【Abstract】 In today’s world, with the rapid development of media technology and the wave of the digital media, the birth of new media is rising constantly. The traditional newspaper industry in recent years experienced an unprecedented impact. According to the data show that since 2005, the newspaper circulation of all countries in the world and advertising have emerged landslide phenomenon. Faced with this situation, many professional propose the point of view as "winter" or "On the demise of". However, the fact is really that so? The Newspapers will really perish?This paper tried to use communication, journalism, sociology and other related knowledge , with the media ecology as the theoretical foundation, use of " the law media ecology ", " the law of the smallest" ," the law of moderate ", " the interactive media ecology" and other basic theory to describe the development of the traditional newspapers industry could be the possibility and necessity, in the context of digital media background . The conclusion is: the media in the competing situation is suitable for eco-development of objective laws, Both the media and the natural environment is exists in a large environmental systems, although every kind of media are experiencing from a birth, growth and maturity to the decline , But the birth of a new medium does not mean the demise of an old media, old media after a change will be a transition to the new media, the media integration is the only way for the development of media ecology. In this paper, with Literature Review, field research , the history of the development of the Newspaper and its current use of digital technology achievements, the press their own disadvantage and the reason, put forward the development of innovative response strategy..The papers try to description with the above two points to describe the interaction between digital media and traditional press, and with the theoretical support from the communications and journalism to support the development of the press , and wish can throw out a brick to attract a jade.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 广西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期

