

Effects of Growth Regulators on the Flowering of Longan (Dimocarpus Longan Lour)

【作者】 于萍

【导师】 卢美英;

【作者基本信息】 广西大学 , 果树学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本试验分别以五年生石硖和桂香龙眼为供试材料,通过冬季控梢及春季防“冲梢”两试验,研究了外源生长调节剂乙烯利和多效唑及人工摘除花序上的小叶对龙眼营养、激素等含量及成花的影响,为正确地使用外源生长调节剂,提高龙眼的产量品质提供依据。结果表明:1.对矿质营养的影响控冬梢时叶面喷施不同浓度的乙烯利加多效唑,龙眼树体内N含量降低,P含量增加;K含量在花芽生理分化期升高、形态分化期降低;N/K值下降,有利于龙眼花芽分化;其中浓度大的处理(400 mg·L-1乙烯利+150mg·L-1多效唑)效果更好一些。防“冲梢”时叶面喷施乙烯利、乙烯利加多效唑以及人工打小叶均降低树体含N量,增加含K量,P的含量表现为先增加后下降。2.对碳水化合物及C/N值的影响控冬梢时叶面喷施不同浓度的乙烯利和多效唑,降低了叶片中可溶性含糖量,增加其淀粉和可溶性蛋白质的含量及C/N值。防“冲梢”时叶面喷乙烯利、乙烯利加多效唑以及打小叶均降低可溶性蛋白质的含量;喷乙烯利、乙烯利加多效唑的处理对可溶性糖含量先抑制,4月中旬坐果期又提高,其中乙烯利加多效唑处理的可溶性糖含量处于中间水平;打小叶的处理前期对可溶性糖含量基本无影响,3月中旬开始显著高于对照及其他处理。3.对叶片叶绿素的影响叶面喷施乙烯利降低了叶片中叶绿素含量,而叶面喷施多效唑增加了叶绿素含量。4.对内源激素及其平衡的影响控冬梢时叶面喷施乙烯利加多效唑,增加了乙烯、ABA、ZR含量及ZR/GA、ZR/IAA、ABA/GA、ABA/IAA值,降低了IAA含量,先抑制后增加GA含量,先增加后抑制ZR/ABA比值;防“冲梢”时喷施乙烯利、乙烯利加多效唑以及人工摘小叶,均降低了龙眼叶片中的IAA、GA含量,提高了ZR/GA、ABA/IAA值,而对ABA含量影响不大。其中前两种处理的ZR含量增加,使ZR/ABA的值维持在1左右,且ZR/IAA波动较大。而打小叶对ZR的含量影响不大,但增加了ABA/GA值。5.对成花坐果的影响控冬梢时叶片喷施乙烯利和多效唑,推迟了龙眼树出红点、始花期、盛花期和末花期的时间,且乙烯利浓度越高,各时期出现越晚;乙烯利加多效唑有效抑制了冬梢抽生,浓度越高效果越明显;显著提高了枝梢成花率、雌雄花比例和坐果率,缩短花穗长宽度,使长宽适度,花穗紧凑;不同浓度效果不同,其中处理C、D(C:320 mg·L-1乙烯利+150 mg·L-1多效唑、D:400 mg·L-1乙烯利+150 mg·L-1多效唑)处理的均显著高于CK,效果较好。防“冲梢”时喷乙烯利、乙烯利加多效唑以及打小叶均显著降低了龙眼“冲梢”率,提高枝梢成花率和坐果率、雌雄花比例,其中叶面喷施213 mg·L-1乙烯利+150 mg·L-1多效唑的处理效果最好。

【Abstract】 5-year-old bearing trees of Shixia(Dimocarpus longan Lour cv.Shixia)and Guixiang(Dimocarpus longan Lour cv.Guixiang)were used as tested materials to study the effects of exogenous growth regulators(ethephon and PP333)and hand removing of young leaves on developing panicles on the content of nutrient and endogenous hormones and the flowering of longan by conducting the following two tests:test of controlling winter flush and test of preventing flowering reversion.The results of the study provided a theoretical basis for the correctly use of exogenous growth regulators to improve the yield and quality of longan.The results showed that:1.The effect on mineral nutritionFoliar spraying of different concentrations of ethephon and PP333before longan trees sprouted could reduce the content of N and increase the content of P.The content of K was increased during physiological differentiation and declined during morphological differentiation.The ratio of N/K also declined which was in favor of flower bud differentiation.Among treatments, treatment of higher concentration(400 mg·L-1ethephon +150 mg·L-1PP333) indicated better effect.Foliar spraying of ethephon,ethephon+PP333and hand removing of young leaves on developing panicles could reduce the content of N and increase the content of K.The content of P increased first and then declined.2.The effect on carbohydrate and the ratio of C/NFoliar spraying of different concentrations of ethephon and PP333before longan trees sprouted could reduce the content of soluble sugar and increase the content of starch,soluble protein and the ratio of C/N.Foliar spraying of ethephon,ethephon+PP333and hand removing of young leaves on panicles reduced the content of soluble protein.Spraying with ethephon,ethephon+PP333could reduce the content of soluble sugar at the beginning,and then increased it in mid-April when fruits set.Among treatments,the treatment of spraying ethephon+PP333showed a medium level of sugar content.There was no effect on the content of soluble sugar at the prophase of the treatment of hand removing of young leaves,while the reading became higher than those of CK and others significantly from mid-March on.3.The effect on chlorophyllFoliar spraying of ethephon could reduce the content of chlorophyll,while PP333could increase it.4.The effect on endogenous hormones and their balance Foliar spraying of different concentrations of ethephon and PP333before longan trees sprouted could increase the content of ethylene,ABA,ZR and the ratio of ZR/GA,ZR/IAA,ABA/GA,ABA/IAA and reduced the content of IAA.The content of GA declined at first and then increased,while the ratio of ZR/ABA was contrary.Foliar spraying of ethephon,ethephon+PP333and hand removing of young leaves on panicles could reduce the content of IAA and GA and increase the ratio of ZR/GA,ABA/IAA,but there was no effect on the content of ABA. The content of ZR increased with spraying of the ethephon and ethephon +PP333which kept the ratio of ZR/ABA around 1 and made the ratio of ZR/IAA fluctuate greatly.The treatment of hand removing of young leaves on panicles had not much effects on the content of ZR,but it increased the ratio of ABA/GA.5.The effect on flowering and fruit settingFoliar spraying of different concentrations of ethephon and PP333before longan trees sprouted could put off the anthesis,the higher concentration of ethephon sprayed,the later the purplish red inflorescence primordium period, beginning of bloom,full bloom and Late blossom were.Ethephon and PP333 depressed the growth of winter flush effectively,increased the rate of flowering branches,fruit setting and female flower to male flower and shorten the length and the width of panicles significantly to form compact panicles. There were different effects with different concentrations.The readings for treatment of spraying of 320 mg·L-1ethephon+150 mg·L-1PP333and 400mg·L-1ethephon+150 mg·L-1PP333were higher than those of CK markedly with better results.Spraying with ethephon,ethephon+PP333and hand removing of young leaves on panicles could reduce the rate of flowering reversion and increased the rate of flowering branches,fruit setting and female flower to male flower. Among all treatments,treatment of spraying with 213 mg·L-1ethephon+100 mg·L-1PP333showed the best result.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 广西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期
  • 【分类号】S667.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】320

