

The Research on Making High Fructose Syrup from Molasses of Sugar Cane

【作者】 梁剑锋

【导师】 周晓薇;

【作者基本信息】 广西大学 , 制糖工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 以甘蔗废蜜为原料制取高果糖浆,可以提高糖厂副产品的附加值。通过对甘蔗废蜜制取高果糖浆的工艺技术(预处理、酸解、分离、异构化、精制)的工艺条件进行研究,为甘蔗废蜜制取高果糖浆工业化生产提供了切实可行理论依据。本课题的主要研究内容和结果如下:1、通过糖厂的分析方法对某亚硫酸法糖厂的废蜜进行了主要成分分析,其中蔗糖分含量在33%-35%,还原糖含量在15%-16%,灰分含量在9%-12%,胶体含量在9%-11%。2、确定了废蜜预处理工艺的最佳工艺条件:废蜜与蒸馏水的稀释度为1:0.1(W/W),在用H2SO4将稀释的溶液的pH值调到2.5左右,添加0.8%絮凝剂后,100g废蜜处理出来的沉淀达到18.87g,OD减少率95.37%。3、利用酸水解废蜜中的蔗糖分,增加废蜜中果糖的含量。酸水解废蜜的最佳工艺条件是:反应温度为80℃,反应溶液的PH值2.0,反应时间为4.0h,废蜜水解率可达到92.75%。4、化学方法分离果糖和葡萄糖的最佳工艺条件是:果糖与Ca(OH)2添加量的摩尔比为1:3,在0-5℃条件下反应3h,在反应液中添加2×10-4%的聚丙烯酰胺絮凝剂,使得果糖转化成果糖钙沉淀出来,用30%H3PO4来洗涤沉淀,得到高果糖浆粗产品。5、对高果糖浆粗产品进行了活性炭脱色和强酸阳离子树脂静态脱盐精制。活性炭脱色工艺条件是:加入活性炭添加量3%(W/V)、脱色温度50℃、脱色时间40min。树脂脱盐的工艺条件是:树脂添加量6%(W/V),脱盐温度40℃,脱盐时间2h。经过一系列提取和精制工艺后,果糖的得率达到67.17%,果糖损失率为8.05%,最后经过减压浓缩后得到高果糖浆产品果糖纯度达到92.56%。6、葡萄糖在碱性条件下通过水浴加热能够转化成果糖,通过响应面表明,通过用化碱性异构化将葡萄糖转化成果糖的最佳工艺组合是:反应温度75℃,反应时间30min,溶液的pH值在11.50,葡萄糖异构化率达到28.14%。7、本文对碱法异构反应表观动力学进行考察,建立了表观动力学模型,求得75℃时,速率常数k=0.0574min-1,该异构反应在75℃时的速率方程为:VA=-(dcA)/dt=0.0574CA;求得碱法异构反应的表观活化能53.74KJ/mol,指前因子k0=2.40286×104s-1反应速度常数与温度的关系式为:k=2.40286×10-4e-6461.1/RT

【Abstract】 Sugar cane of raw materials for production of high fructose syrup, sugar by-products can increase the added value. Through the sugar cane production of high fructose syrup key technologies (pretreatment, acid solutions, separation, heterogeneous, refining) study, sugar cane waste for the production of honey industrialized production of high fructose syrup provides a theoretical basis for practical. The main topic of this research and the results are as follows:1. Analysis by the sugar factory, a sulfite sugar cane in the main component analysis, in which sucrose content around 33% to 35%, reducing sugar content of 15% to 16%, ash content of 9% to 12%, Colloidal content 9% to 11%.2. sugar cane pre-treatment of optimum conditions: sugar cane and distilled water for the dilution of 1:0.1, will be diluted by H2SO4 solution transferred to the PH value of about 2.5, add 0.8% flocculation Agent, 100 grams honey processing waste from the precipitation reached 18.87 g, OD reduce the rate of 95.37%.3. Use of acid hydrolysis waste in the sugar cane, fructose in sugar cane to increase the waste content. Waste acid hydrolysis sugar cane is the optimum conditions: the reaction temperature is 80℃, the reaction solution pH value of 2.0, the reaction time is 4.0 h, honey hydrolysis rate of waste can be reached 92.75 %.4. Chemical separation of fructose and glucose is the optimum conditions: fructose and Ca(OH)2 amount of the molar ratio of 1:3, 0-5℃reaction under the conditions of three hours, the reaction of the add 2×10-4% Acrylamide flocculant, making fructose sugar into the results from calcium precipitation, with 30% H3PO4 to wash precipitation, are the high fructose syrup crude products.5. For high-fructose syrup crude product was activated carbon and decoloration strong acid cation resin static desalination refined. Decolorization of activated carbon are: adding activated carbon content 3% (W/V), decolorizing temperature at 50℃, decolorizing time 40 min. Resin the desalination process is: resin amount of 6% (W/V), desalination temperature 40℃, desalination time 2 h. After a series of extraction and refining process, the fructose in the rate of 67.17 %t, fructose loss rate of 8.05 %, after the final decompression concentrated fruit by high-fructose syrup products reached 92.56 %.6. Under the conditions of glucose in alkaline water bath by heating sugar can be transformed into results through the response surface that, through use of alkaline isomerization results will be transformed into glucose sugar is the optimum combination of: temperature 75℃, reaction time 30 min, the solution PH value in 11.50, glucose isomerization rate reached 28.14 %.7. In this paper, Alkaline heterogeneous apparent reaction kinetics study, the establishment of the apparent dynamic model, obtained 75℃, the rate constant k=0.0574min-1, in response to the heterogeneous 75℃at the rate equation:VA =-dcA/dt =0.0574CA;Alkaline isomerization reaction obtained theapparent activation energy 53.74KJ/mol, referring to the former factor k0=2.40286×104s-1 and the reaction rate constant temperature of the relationship:k = 2.40286×10-4e-6461.1/RT

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 广西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期

