

A Research on Reverse Supply Chain Management System in Steel and Iron Industry

【作者】 刁金柱

【导师】 苗剑;

【作者基本信息】 广西大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 与钢铁业逆向供应链相关的部分活动存在已久,然而,大部分企业的管理方式仍然局限于那种简单、粗放的管理,如制定几个办法、制度等,并不曾对这些逆向物流活动进行有效的物流组织,由此造成企业运营成本居高不下,进而影响到废钢铁的回收再利用率。针对上述问题,本文进行了钢铁业逆向供应链管理系统的研究与开发,其主要研究内容如下:一、从成因、发展动力以及一般流程等方面对逆向供应链进行了综述,并在此基础上,对废钢铁的处理活动进行了研究分析;二、从物料平衡以及逆向物流运作方式等方面对钢铁材料进行了循环分析,建立了废钢铁的生成模型、消耗模型以及废钢铁回收网络模型。利用改进后的模拟退火算法,对废钢铁回收网络模型进行了求解实现,并选用Lingo9.0软件对上述模拟退火算法的优化效果进行了验证;三、在分析了钢铁业逆向供应链不确定问题的基础上,对灰色预测理论的应用进行了研究,建立了GM(1,1)模型,并实现了对废钢铁逆向供应链不确定问题的预测。结合实际数据对废钢铁市场价格预测,以及废钢铁市场供应量预测进行了算例研究,并通过残差分析,验证了灰预测的可信度;四、对钢铁业逆向供应链的业务流程、数据流程进行了研究,设计了该系统的功能结构,并采用B/S三层架构模型,实现了该系统的主要功能。

【Abstract】 Some of the activities related to reverse supply chain in iron and steel industry have been in existence for a long time, however, the management of most enterprises are still confined to the kind of simple, extensive management, such as the development of several methods, or system. These activities related to reverse logistics do not have an effective logistics organization, resulting in the high cost of business operations, thus affecting the recycling of scrap steel and re-utilization. In view of the above issues, this thesis has done a research on reverse supply chain management in steel and iron industry, its main contents are as follows:First, the causes, the driving force for development and the general process of the reverse supply chain are reviewed, and on this basis, do a research on recycling of the scrap steel;Second, it analyzes the material cycle in steel and iron industry from aspects of the material balance and the reverse logistics operation, and establishes the production modal, consumption modal and recycling network modal of the scrap steel. Using improving the simulated annealing algorithm, has achieved a solution for this scrap steel recycling network model, and select the Lingo9.0 software to verify the optimization results of the simulated annealing algorithm;Third, it analyzes uncertainty issues of the reverse supply chain, on this basis, studies the application of the grey prediction, and establishes the GM (1,1) model, achieves the grey prediction of the uncertainty issues. On a basis of the actual data, predicts the market price and supplying amount of the scrap steel, and through the residuals analysis, the credibility of the Gray prediction was verified;Fourth, it analyzes business processes and dataflow of the reverse supply chain in steel and iron industry, designs the system’s functional structure. Using the 3-Tier architecture of B/S, achieves the major functions.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 广西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期

