

Study on Landscape Diversity of Shoucheng Nature Reserve in Guangxi

【作者】 韩明臣

【导师】 温远光;

【作者基本信息】 广西大学 , 生态学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文通过对广西寿城自然保护区景观要素组成结构、景观多样性量化以及空间格局分异研究,从景观角度揭示了保护区景观类型空间结构及其空间变化的规律性,为保护区森林景观规划、景观生态系统优化提供了理论参考,同时对改善保护区森林结构,更好地实现森林空间布局的优化配置,有重要的现实意义。本文在查阅了大量国内外关于景观格局和景观多样性方面文献的基础上,结合研究区域的特色,选取寿城自然保护区景观要素组成结构、景观多样性以及景观空间格局分异三个方面作为主要研究内容,以景观生态学为理论基础,采用多期遥感影像,结合历史资料各类森林调查数据和样地实测资料,充分利用遥感技术、地理信息系统技术、数量化格局分析技术等多种研究方法,对寿城自然保护区景观多样性进行了系统研究。主要研究结论如下:(1)遥感技术在较大面积的森林资源监测方面具有明显优势,对于寿城自然保护区区域尺度上的宏观监测,选择30米空间分辨率的Landsat5-TM遥感数据进行分级研究是一种操作方便、经济、可行的方法。(2)本研究将寿城自然保护区景观分为森林景观、农田景观、居民地景观和水域景观4类一级景观、18类二级景观。虽然计算机自动分类方法有很多优势,但在寿城自然保护区受地形起伏造成的阴影及诸多其它因素影响,分类效果均不理想。研究中采用人机交互式目视解译,辅以野外踏勘数据、林相图及航片等资料获得了较理想的分类结果。(3)通过寿城自然保护区景观的数量化格局分析显示在斑块类型水平和景观水平下,寿城自然保护区景观的组成、结构和空间分布格局极不均衡,空间异质性特征明显。(4)本研究中选取的9项景观指数,通过Fragstas软件统计分析,对寿城自然保护区景观空间分布与格局有较全面的理解和认识。寿城自然保护区景观多样性在逐年升高,各景观类型所占比例越来越均匀,渐渐取代了某一景观类型占优势的现象,各类型斑块形状随时间的推移,逐渐趋向规则,表明人类活动对景观的影响一直存在,且越来越强烈。进入二十一世纪以后,随着人类科学文化素质的提高以及各种保护政策的实施,天然林景观等退化的生态系统有所修复,人工景观类型比例增大,景观格局进一步优化。(5)寿城自然保护区森林植被受海拔高度和局部地形特征(坡向、坡度)变化影响显著,受地形条件的制约显著,随着海拔高度和局部地形特征坡向、坡度变化,植被也随之发生有规律的变化,而且在不同地形因子分级水平下影响程度有所不同,体现了地形因子对光照、水热条件的再分配功能。

【Abstract】 Based on the quantitative description and analysis of forest landscape composition, structure, and spatial pattern in Shoucheng Nature Reserve, the thesis clarifies the mountain forest resources, reveals the spatial structure of forest types as well as the regular pattern of spatial changes from the perspective of the landscape. It provides a theoretical reference for forest landscape planning and forest landscape ecosystems optimization. Meanwhile, it has an important significance to improve the forest structure of Shoucheng Nature Reserve, realize the optimal allocation of forest spatial layout, and develop the ecological function of water conservation forest.On the basis of a great deal of domestic and international documents, combining the characteristics of the study area, selecting forest landscape composition, structure, and spatial pattern in Shoucheng Nature Reserve as the research content, taking landscape ecology as the theoretical basis, using the remote sensing images, together with historical data (all types of forest survey data) and plots measured data, and making full use of a variety of methods, such as remote sensing technology,geographic information system technology, quantifying pattern analysis technology, space geographic statistical technology, the thesis systematically studies the forest landscape pattern in Shoucheng Nature Reserve. Main conclusions are as follows:(1) Remote sensing technology has obvious advantages in large areas of forest resources monitoring.Using 30m spatial resolution of Landsat5-TM remote sensing data on the macro scale monitoring research in Shoucheng Nature Reserve are both Convenient and practical.(2) The forest landscape of Shoucheng Nature Reserve were classified into four categories include landscape of farmland, landscape of residents, landscape of waters and landscape of forest, although the computer automatically classification method has many advantages, classification results are not satisfactory by the shadow and many other factors. So human-computer interactive visual interpretation classification was selected in this Research, supplemented by splots data, Forest map and aerial photograph and other information, more satisfactory results of the classification was obtained.(3) With indices calculation of forest landscape spatial pattern in Shoucheng Nature Reserve, and through the researches of patches type level and landscape level, it is found that: The composition, structure and spatial distribution pattern of in Shoucheng Nature Reserve is extremely uneven, and the spatial hetero characteristics is significantly.(4) Nine landscape index were selected in this study selected, through the statistical analysis software of Fragstas, we had a more comprehensive understanding and awareness to the landscape and the spatial distribution pattern in Shoucheng Nature Reserve. The landscape diversity of Shoucheng Nature Reserve was increased year by year, the proportion of all types of landscape became more uniform, the phenomenon that a landscape dominant was gradually replaced, the shape of different landscape gradually tend to regular over time. It reveals that the impact of Human activities was persistent and growing strongly. Into the 21st century, with the quality improving of human science and culture and the implementation of various policies, the degraded ecosystems of natural forest landscape have been restoring, the proportion of artificial landscapes were increasing, landscape pattern was further optimized.(5) Through the research of terrain factor differentiation of forest landscape pattern in Shoucheng Nature Reserve, it is found that: With the changes of altitude and local topographic features (aspect, slope), vegetation is also experiencing regular changes, and the impacts are various from different terrain-grades which presents a significant distribution.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 广西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期

