

Multi-Index Nonlinear Coordinated Control for BESS and Generator Excitation

【作者】 孔令怡

【导师】 李啸骢;

【作者基本信息】 广西大学 , 电力系统及其自动化, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 电池储能系统(Battery Energy Storage System,BESS)可以同时对有功功率和无功功率进行调节,能够运行在四个象限。它可以为高压输电系统提供快速的响应容量,提高系统运行的稳定性;也可以直接连接在配电网中用户负荷附近,构成分布式电力系统,保证对负荷侧供电的电能质量和电压稳定。多指标非线性控制设计方法是近年来新兴的一种控制设计方法,所设计的多指标非线性控制律即能改善系统各状态量的动态响应特性,又可以保证系统各状态量的控制精度,有效地协调系统各状态量的动、静态性能,提高系统的稳定运行能力。本文的研究内容分为两部分。第一部分对BESS与发电机励磁的协调控制技术进行了研究,建立了发电机励磁与BESS装置协调控制的数学模型,求取了多指标非线性控制规律,初步研究了电池储能系统在提升系统暂态稳定性方面的作用,研究结果表明:BESS装置与发电机进行协调控制,有利于提高系统的稳定运行的能力,BESS装置对有功功率和无功功率的控制能力配合发电机的励磁调节,可以让系统在受扰时,各状态量的动态过程更平滑,响应速度更快,而且不会出现静态偏移。第二部分研究了电池储能系统在系统负荷侧的应用,建立了有BESS装置接入的机电暂态综合负荷模型,求取了该模型的多指标非线性协调控制规律,研究结果表明:电池储能系统能有效地减少系统受扰后对负荷电压和功率波动的影响,保证各状态量不出现偏移,能有效的提高电能质量和电压的稳定性,可以让系统的电压和有功功率的动态过程更平滑,响应速度更快。

【Abstract】 Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) can regulate active power and reactive power in power system. It can be operated in four quadrants. It can afford the fast response capability for high voltage transmit electricity system, enhance the system stability and restrained the fluctuation of frequency and voltage. When it is connected in load side, it can also reduce the influence of the power bus subjected to a disturbance on load voltage and active power, improve the power quality of load.The multi-index nonlinear coordinated control scheme is a new design way, which is being focused on in the nearly years. This control design method is effective both for improving the dynamic and the static characteristics of the state variables, and especially for solving the control problems of static excursion. This paper can be divided into two parts.First, this paper deduced a new mathematic model of single machine infinite bus power system with BESS, and proposed a multi-index nonlinear coordinated control scheme for it. The proposed multi-index nonlinear coordinated controller can effectively coordinate the dynamic and steady-state performance of the controlled system. It can enhance the stability of the system, improve the dynamic characteristics of state variables, and can improve the control accuracy of output variables such as terminal voltage, active power output of the generator. Simulation results show that to control BESS and generator coordinately has the advantage of enhancing the stability of the system. With the ability of BESS to control the active power and reactive power, and the regulate of generator excitation, the dynamic characteristics of state variables can changes more smoothness, responds more speediness and still be kept at their setting values after a step disturbance.Second, this paper deduced a new mathematic model of BESS and integrated load model, and a multi-index nonlinear coordinated control scheme for the system is proposed. As a new FACTS facility, BESS can regulate active power and reactive power of the power bus synchronously. Simulation results show that BESS has the advantage of availably reducing the influence of the power bus subjected to a disturbance on load voltage and active power. It can enhance the control accuracy of output variables and voltage stability, improve the power quality of load. With the ability of BESS, the dynamic characteristics of load voltage and active power can be controlled more smoothness, and the responses of the system is more speediness.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 广西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 12期

