

Studies on Marx’ Equal Rights Thought

【作者】 杨海

【导师】 马亮;

【作者基本信息】 广西大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 马克思以历史唯物主义为出发点,分析、考察了权利产生的基础、根据。马克思认为,权利不是“天赋”的,而是“人赋”的;也就是说,权利是一种社会现象,是人类社会发展到一定历史阶段的产物。人的权利与财富、收入、自由、安全、利益等都是密切相关的。同时,权利是平等分配的对象,平等是权利的一个核心概念。权利平等并不是永恒的真理。在不同的社会形态,评价权利平等的标准也是历史的、具体的。权利平等思想在马克思主义学说中占据着十分重要的地位。人的权利不仅仅是指一般意义上的经济权利,还包括法律制度下的权利、以及道德权利、政治权利等。但是我们在此将主要对马克思关于法律制度下的权利平等思想、社会弱势群体权利保护思想以及社会主义按劳分配制度下的权利平等思想进行分析。我们发现,“保护人民的权利,维护人民权利的主体地位”作为一条主线贯穿于马克思权利平等思想的始末。为了对马克思权利平等思想作更深层次的研究,我们把马克思权利平等思想同当代自由主义法学派巨匠美国著名哲学家伦理学家罗尔斯、美国著名法学家德沃金的权利平等思想进行了比较分析。诚然,罗尔斯、德沃金的权利平等理论与马克思的权利平等思想有相互通融之处,同时罗尔斯、德沃金的权利平等理论也能为我们解决当下中国转型社会时期所出现的权利不平等现象提供新的理论思考点、切入点。例如:罗尔斯的既讲究平等又注重效率的“差别原则”;德沃金在攻击以哈特为代表的法律实证主义基础上发展起来的权利原则论和道德阐释主义思想;以及罗尔斯、德沃金对社会弱势群体权利保护等理论。但是,罗尔斯、德沃金当时都是处于美国这样一个高度发达的资本主义社会,他们所面对的都是同一个现代民主国家的社会危机、民族矛盾。因此,罗尔斯、德沃金都是出于当时美国社会现实的需要,从各自不同的理论出发,用不同的方式,只能以解决现代民主国家的权利平等问题为最大目标。换句话说,罗尔斯、德沃金在解决权利平等问题时并没有跳出私有制社会制度这个窠臼来寻求解决方案——罗尔斯作为政治理论家,他的权利平等理论主张社会基本结构的正义,所探讨的范围仅限于一种“法律被严格服从的状况”,限于一个“组织良好的社会”,他并不涉及任何的现实制度和政策,只是以一种虚拟或抽象的方式提出了一些解决问题的建议和希望,为现实的正义理论提供基础。因此,有人将他的理论称之为“乌托邦”式的理论;德沃金作为一名法学家虽然并没有像罗尔斯那样在解决权利平等问题时舍近求远,可是,令人遗憾的是,尽管他以一种现实化的方式来寻求解决权利平等问题的途径,但他也只能在当时所处的既定的美国这样一个资本主义社会制度框架范围内进行探索.因此,从根本上说,罗尔斯、德沃金的权利平等思想还具有很大的局限性、不彻底性。相比较而言,我们认为,马克思权利平等思想是我们实现权利平等的根本指针、有力的思想武器!因为马克思权利平等思想富于批判性、革命性、实践性以及科学性。马克思针对私有制社会的权利平等问题进行了严肃的拷问。马克思说,在私有制社会尤其是资本主义社会,权利平等只是表面上的平等、形式上的平等,这种平等只是一种“虚假意识”。人类只有变革这种私有制社会最终进入共产主义才能够实现真正意义上的、实质性的权利平等。在此,笔者将马克思权利平等思想与罗尔斯、德沃金的权利平等理论进行比较旨在让我们能够更加清晰地把握马克思权利平等思想的本质特点,同时也能够进一步凸显马克思权利平等思想在当代焕发出的内在活力。马克思主义学说是发展的科学理论。与时俱进也是马克思权利平等思想的理论品质。马克思权利平等思想对于我们分析、解决当下中国转型社会权利不平等现象具有很强的指导意义。

【Abstract】 Marx use to the concept of historical materialism as the starting point and he analyze,inspects the foundation,basic of the rights.Marx thinks that rights are not given by "natural",but "people." Rights are a social phenomenon and the product of the development of human society to a certain historical stage.At the same time,right is the object of equitable distribution.Because human rights are closely related to wealth,income,freedom,security and interests.Equality are a core concept of right.Equality of rights is not a eternal truth.In different social system,the standard for valuing Equality of rights is laso historical,specific. Equality of rights occupy a very important position in the Marxist theory of ideology.The human rights is not just in terms of a general economic rights,but includes the right to legal systems,as well as moral rights and political rights.In this paper,We wilt mainly analyze the idea of equal righs which is about the legal system and the equality of rights of thinking on the protection of the rights of vulnerable groups and distribution according to work of Marx’ socialist system.After analyzing the study,we found that "The protection of the rights of the people,safeguard the dominant position of the people’s right" is a main theme of the ideas of Marx equal rights of the whole.In order to make a deeper research for the Marxist equality of rights,we compared the equality of rights of Marxism with the one of the contemporary liberalism Master of Law sent,a well-known U.S.philosopher and ethicists -John Rawls and the United States famous jurist--Dworkin.Indeed,in many parts,Rawls and Ronald Dworkin’s theory of equality of rights have some mutual accommodation with Marxist’ideology.At the same time,Rawls and Ronald Dworkin’s theory of equality of rights can help us to resolve the current Chinese society’ rights of inequality in transition and it not only provides the new theoretical thinking point,but also the starting point for us.For example, Rawls’ "difference principle" which is stressed the pursuit of equality and efficiency;Dworkin attacked Hart who is on behalf of the legal positivism and developed the principle of the right and interpretation of morality,and Rawls and Dworkin developed the theory of social protection of the rights for vulnerable groups.However,both Rawls and Dworkin lived in the highly developed capitalist society which was under the conditions of market economy United States at that time;they were facing with the social crisis,the national contradictions of a modern democratic country.Therefore,it is the needs of social reality in United States that the Rawls and Dworkin only can address the right to equality of the modern democratic countries from different theory and different ways for largest target.In other words,when they were solving the issue of equality of rights,they did not come out of this limit of social system of private ownership to seek a solution----Rawls,as a political theorist though his theory advocates the equality of rights for basic social’ structure of justice,the scope of the study is limited to a "strictly obey the law by the state," and limited to a "welt-organized society".He was not involved in any system and the policy of reality,only using a virtual or abstract way to make a number of solutions for the problem of the recommendations and he hopes it can provide the basic theory of justice for reality.Therefore,it was his theory that called "Utopia" type of theory;as a jurist,Dworkin,although he is not like Rawls who resolves the issue of equal rights far away.Unfortunately,within the framework of the United States such a capitalist society the system,he just can use a realistic way to find solutions for the equal rights of the problem established.Therefore,fundamentally speaking,the equality theory of rights of Ra wls and Dworkin are limited,and not thoroughly.Comparatively speaking, we believe that the Marxist’ ideology of equal rights is the true guiding ideology of realization the equal rights’ and the powerful ideological wea pon! Why I have such a conclusion is that Marxism’ equal rights is full of these characteristics such as the critical,revolutionary,practical and sc ientific.For example,the equal rights problem of private ownership were serious interrogated by Marx.Marx said that the private ownership’ equal rights in the Private ownership society especially the capitalist society,is only on the surface of equality,formal equality and this equality is onlya "false consciousness." Only changing private ownership society can weent er into communism at last which is in order to achieve real sense,substa ntive equality of rights.Here,the author compares the equal rights of the Marxist’ ideology with the Rawls and Dworkin’one which enable us to understand more clearly the nature features of Marxist’ ideology of equal rights.Meanwhile,it further highlights inherent vitality of the equal rights of Marxism in the ideological contemporaryMarxist theory is a developing scientific theory.Advancing with the times is also regarded as the quality of Marxist’ equal rights theory.Marxist’ideology of equal rights help us analyze and solve the problems of inequalities which are came up in China’s transition;for that,it has great guiding significance.

【关键词】 权利平等马克思比较德沃金罗尔斯
【Key words】 rightsequalityMarxcomparisonDworkinRawls
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 广西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期
  • 【分类号】A811.1;D09
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】521
  • 攻读期成果

