

The Research and Implementing of Consumer-Oriented Campus Network Network Management System

【作者】 韩冬

【导师】 梁京章;

【作者基本信息】 广西大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 作为高校重要的公共服务设施,校园网在学校的教学、科研和管理中的作用日益重要和突出。随着校园网的规模和用户数的不断扩大,校园网管理面临的问题也越来越多。研究校园网的管理问题有理论和现实的意义。本文在研究分析了网络管理技术和网络管理系统发展情况的基础上,针对现有网络管理系统的存在问题和校园网管理的实际,把现代管理的核心理念——“参与管理”引入到校园网管理中来,提出了“用户参与网络管理”的网络管理新理念。根据“用户参与网络管理”的网络管理新理念,给出了“面向用户的校园网网络管理系统”的总体设计方案,系统由网络中心子系统和用户子系统组成,实现了校园网的管理从传统的由网络中心统一管理向网络中心和用户共同管理的转变,对于提高网络管理水平,提供优质的网络服务,尤其是对来自用户客户端的网络故障管理,将起到重要的促进作用。论文最后给出了用户子系统的主要功能的实现。在网页过滤的实现中,针对非法网页为逃避各种网络监控系统的监测而采取给敏感关键词加入“干扰”的特点,提出了一种关键词匹配的改进算法,取得了良好的效果。

【Abstract】 As one of campus’ important public service facilities, campus network play an increasingly important part in school’s teaching, research and so on. However, as the scale of campus network and the number of consumers expands unceasingly, more and more problems arise in the campus network management. And then, it has theoretical and practical significance to research campus network management.This paper first introduces the development of network management technology and the systems. According to the existent issues in network management systems and the actual situation of campus network management, it introduces the core concepts of modern management -"participative management" into campus network management, and puts forward a new concept-"users’ participative network management".According to the new concept of "users’ participative network management", it gives blue print of "consumer-oriented campus network NMS (network management system)".This system is composed by network center-subsystem and consumer-subsystem. It makes the transformation in campus network management, from network center’s unified management to network center and consumers’ corporate management. The level of network management, network services, management of network fault at consumer’s side will be improved.In the final, this paper gives the principle of implementation of consumer-subsystem’s main functions. It analyzes the methods of illegal homepages adopted to interfere with the sensitive keywords so as to avoid monitoring. As per these characteristics, this paper improves a keyword matching algorithm in web-filtering and has got good effect.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 广西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期

