

Study on Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety in High Schools and Related Teaching Strategies

【作者】 黄厚鹏

【导师】 徐桦;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 二十世纪六十年代以来,随着人文主义心理学的发展,情感因素在语言学习中的作用受到了外语教育研究者和外语教师的共同关注。研究者把它作为解释学习者之间个体差异的一个重要的情感变量。在所有的情感因素中,语言焦虑可能是外语学习中最普遍的障碍。外语学习是充满自我威胁并易于引发焦虑现象的特殊情境。外语学习焦虑是外语学习中各种消极情感反应和心理不适的集合,是外语学习诸多情感因素中的重要变量之一。国内的中学外语教学并未给予情感因素充分的重视,也缺乏足够的课堂焦虑实证研究。基于此,作者对高中学生的外语学习焦虑现象进行了调查。本文分析了国内外对焦虑研究的成果以及相关理论依据,采用定量和定性研究相结合的方式展开本课题研究。定量研究以问卷调查为依据,内容为外语课堂焦虑量表;研究对象为江苏省沛县张寨中学的225名高三学生。研究内容主要集中在四个方面:学生的焦虑程度及其差异、焦虑对外语学习的影响、高中学生的焦虑源以及相应的解决策略。定性研究通过开放性的问题所进行的访谈来补充验证定量研究的结果。研究发现:有近半数高中生外语学习焦虑现象较为严重,而且学生的焦虑程度越高,学业成绩越低,也就是两者呈负相关;学习者焦虑感强弱的差异是多种因素引起的,如自身性别、性格以及所在班级与学习者的自尊心等。根据问卷调查以及访谈结果,作者分析了在高中外语课堂学习存在的焦虑源,并就降低外语学习焦虑提出了初步的教学建议,以有效地提高英语教学质量。

【Abstract】 With the advent of humanistic psychology, foreign language educators and researchers have been paying more attention to learners’“affective variables”in language learning since the 1960s. They have increasingly recognized affective variables as the significant factors in accounting for the differential success in foreign language learners. Of all these factors, language anxiety is possibly the most pervasive obstruction in foreign language learning.Foreign language learning is a specific situation, which is filled with ego-threats and is prone to cause anxiety. Foreign language anxiety, as one variable of the most important emotional factors, is a combination of many kinds of negative emotional states. Anxiety is likely to hinder the development of language ability and prevent students adopting effective learning practices. However, few studies on language anxiety have been carried out in foreign language classroom. Moreover, much research is needed to investigate the impact of anxiety on high school students’foreign language learning.Aware of this, the author devotes the present study to exploring some questions in this field. The thesis starts by reviewing the previous research on anxiety at home and abroad. On the basis of fruitful western research on foreign language anxiety, an empirical investigation of language anxiety was conducted in a high school. The research methods in this study consisted of both quantitative and qualitative surveys. In the quantitative study, a foreign language anxiety scale designed by Horwitz (1986) was administered to 225 Grade Three high school from Zhangzhai Senior Middle School to measure the students’language anxiety levels. The research mainly focused on four aspects, including students’different levels of language anxiety, the relationship between anxiety and language achievements, potential sources of anxiety, and strategies to alleviate language anxiety. In the qualitative study, the interview provided supplementary data to the results through open questions. The findings reveal that high school students’foreign language learning is more or less interfered by anxiety and there is a negative correlation between language achievements and language anxiety. In addition, a number of learner variables, such as gender, class, self-esteem and personality can contribute to different anxiety levels among students. The research also finds some dominating anxiety-generating factors, such as: students’self-esteem, unscientific beliefs about language learning, instructor-learner interactions. Based on the above findings, some teaching strategies reducing foreign language anxiety are recommended, namely that teachers should adopt humanistic approach and student-centered teaching method, using flexible strategies in classroom to cultivate and develop students’language learning competence and achieve instructional goals catering to the needs of both the society and students. In this case, foreign language learning can be made as enjoyable, useful, and powerful as possible.

  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】645

