

【作者】 马昊

【导师】 田军;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 行政管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 改革开放以来,中国社会的利益集团呈现“爆炸式”成长的势态,但利益集团的成长并非一帆风顺。本文拟对利益集团成长过程中国家方面的制约因素进行研究。所谓“利益集团”,指客观上具有共同利益,主观上意识到这种共同利益的存在,现实中能够为着这种共同利益,有意识组织起来联合行动的相关社会群体。很多利益集团虽尚不具备完备的组织形态,发展也不平衡,甚至还未获得合法性认同,但在反映民意、整合利益、为政府决策提供信息等方面开始有所作为。利益集团在我国的生成与发展有其历史的、现实的必然性,集团的产生源自市场经济中正在形成的多元利益主体和国家权力的让渡。本文通过对国家因素在美国、日本、俄罗斯等国家利益集团成长过程中的作用的比较,试图探寻有益于利益集团在我国成长的启示。利益集团的健康成长离不开法律的有力保障、通畅的利益诉求渠道、政府的行政干预和税收资金方面的支持。针对现阶段我国利益集团参与公共决策过程时存在的问题,政府需要加强规范利益集团,从而有效地抑制其消极作用。打击非法利益集团,限制和规范特殊利益集团,提高地方政府的整合能力,实现利益表达、博弈、调控的制度化,督促利益集团采用合法的、合理的、体制内的诉求途径。利益集团在我国的成长也离不开政府的支持和推动。借鉴世界各国经验和教训,加强对公民结社自由权利的立法保护,完善公民通过组织参与政策制定的多元化渠道,因事因地制宜地制定引导、保护集团发展的政策规章,从财政上加大对组织发展特别是弱势群体组织的扶持,创造良好的社会环境促进集团组织的良性发展,使利益集团成为构建社会主义和谐社会的有力、有利的力量。

【Abstract】 Since the reform and opening up in China, the development of Interest Groups in the number and scale was experiencing "explosive" growth. But the growth of Interest Groups was not all plain sailing. This paper is about impact from the government on the growth of Interest Groups.What is so-called interest groups? It is a relative social groups that have objective common interest basis, and are aware of the existence of its common interest, and can organize and act incoordination for its common interest. Although many social interest groups don’t have a perfect organizational form, and their development is also imbalanced, even have not got legitimate approval. They are beginning to display their capabilities in the terms of representing public opinions, integrating interests and providing information for the governments’ policy-making.The development of Interest Groups in China has the the inevitability of its history and reality, and the main reasons are the multiple interests because of the market economy and the transferring of the state power to people.Based on the comparison in the factors in the growth of government, such as the United States, Japan and Russia, the Author tries to explore the inspiration about the growth of Interest Groups benefit to our country. For the healthy growth of Interest Groups, it needs a strong legal safeguards, interest demands channels, the government’s administrative intervention and support in terms of tax funds.Against the existing problems of the Interest Groups’ participation in public decision-making process, the Government needs to strengthen its regulation of Interest Groups, inorder to effectively curb their negative role. Combating illegal interest groups, restricting and regulating the special interest groups, improving the ability of the local governments to integrate all kinds of interst, and realizing the institutionalization of the expression, Gaming, controling of interests, and to promote the Interst Groups to step up the consciousness of getting the interests by legitimate, reasonable ways.Interest Groups in our country need the support and promotion from the government. Drawing on experience and lessons from other countries in the world, we should take several measures. For example, to establishe laws to protect the right of freedom to association, and to perfect the diversification of channels for people to join the policy formulation. We should develop the policy to guide and peotect the growth of Interest Groups to the different events, for example, to increase financial expenses to support the organizations’ development, particularly the vulnerable groups, and to create a sound social environment for the sound development of the Groups, to ensure the interest groups changed into a strong, favorable forces to build the socialist harmonious society.

  • 【分类号】C914
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】257

