

【作者】 陈颖

【导师】 吴为善;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 现代汉语述宾两字组是指两个单音节组成成分之间为述宾关系的组合,其内部结构关系为述宾,而外部整体功能却不一定就是动词性的,这完全取决于整合度的高低。现代汉语语法研究中对述宾两字组学界有很多的讨论,内容多涉及为词与短语的界定和韵律构词等。但是从如今的研究来看,希望从中一刀切出“词”和“短语”是不现实的;而对韵律构词的研究也没有有效地揭示出汉语中处于非离散性连续统的两字组成员的内部结构、典型特征和真实面貌,以及互相之间的差别。我们在前人研究的前提下,运用新的理论方法对述宾两字组的界定和层级分类标准提出了自己的意见,从词典中挑选出全部符合条件的词例,在这个基础上作了较为详细的穷尽的描写,并尝试用同类句法标志来区分鉴定述宾两字组内部成员的整合度高低。文章共有六个部分:第一章绪论。本章介绍了前人对述宾两字组的研究状况,并提出了本文的研究思路、方法以及研究范围。第二章概念整合及其层级性研究。本章首先对概念整合理论及其在各语言中的应用作了简单的介绍;其次探讨了概念整合是具有层级性的;再次发现在现代汉语述宾两字组中的整合度高低可以分为四个等级:A级(低整合度),B级(次低整合度),C级(次高整合度),D级(高整合度)。第三章助词“的”的语法功能同一性。本章先对助词“的”的研究作简要地回顾;其次认为功能标记“的”在语法功能上是具有同一性的,即是确立某个认知域的某类成员。因此我们就选取“的”作为述宾两字组在句法形式上的论据,来论证各类述宾两字组整合度有高低及层级分布。第四章述宾两字组整合度高低及其层级分布(上)。本章就述宾两字组中的A级(低整合度)和B级(次低整合度)进行了语义类型的研究,探讨述宾之间不同的语义关系和特征;同时选取功能标记“的”作为统一的句法标识来鉴别述宾两字组的整合度高低,有效地揭示出A级(低整合度)和B级(次低整合度)等级的两字组在句法形式上的特征。第五章述宾两字组整合度高低及其层级分布(下)。本章就述宾两字组中的C级(次高整合度)和D级(高整合度)进行了语义类型的研究,探讨述宾之间不同的语义关系和特征;同时选取功能标记“的”作为统一的句法标识来鉴别述宾两字组的整合度高低,有效地揭示出C级(次高整合度)和D级(高整合度)等级的两字组在句法形式上的特征。第六章结语。本章对本论文所作出的结论进行总结归纳,并对一些相关问题作出必要的说明。

【Abstract】 The predicate-object two-character structure in modern Chinese is a composition in which the relationship between the two components is predicate and object. The inner relationship between the two components is predicate and object, but the outer entire function is not always verbal. It completely lies on its blending degree.There are a lot of discuss on the predicate-object two-character structure among the learning field, but mostly involved in the division between word and phrase, rhythm word-building and so on. We use new theory and method to bring forward our opinion on the division and the level system of the predicate-object two-character structure. We choose whole words and expressions from the dictionaries which tally with qualification, make limited depiction on it and try to distinguish the level system with the congeneric syntax symbol. The essay is composed of six chapters:Chapter one is the preface which introduce research stauts of grand old man. And summarize the deficiency of their research, then bring forward the study notion, method and range.Chapter two is the study of conceptual blending and its level. Firstly, briefly introduce the theory of conceptual blending and its application in some languages. Secondly, discuss the level of conceptual blending. Finally, according to our investigation result, there are 4 levels of the blending degree of predicate-object two-character structure: Level A (low), Level B (the second low), Level C (the second high), Level D (high).Chapter three is the study of the identity of the grammar function on auxiliary word“de”. Firstly, briefly look back on the research of auxiliary word“de”. Secondly, demonstrate“de”has the identity of the grammar function which is establish some member in some field. So we choose the uniform syntactic symbol-“de”to distinguish the four blending levels of the predicate-object two-character structure. It can open out the syntax character in effect of the different levels.Chapter four is the study of the blending degree of predicate-object two-character structure and its level distribution (I). This chapter will make the semantic study of Level A (low) and Level B (the second low), discussing the different semantic connection and character. And we choose the uniform syntactic symbol-“de”to distinguish the Level A (low) and Level B (the second low). It can open out the syntax character in effect of the two different levels.Chapter five is the study of the blending degree of predicate-object two-character structure and its level distribution (II). This chapter will make the semantic study of Level C (the second high) and Level D (high), discussing the different semantic connection and character. And we choose the uniform syntactic symbol-“de”to distinguish the Level C (the second high) and Level D (high). It can open out the syntax character in effect of the two different levels.Chapter six is the conclusion which makes summarization on this essay, and make some illuminations on some correlative problems.

【关键词】 概念整合韵律框架整合度层级
【Key words】 conceptual blendingrhythm frameblending degreelevel
  • 【分类号】H146
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】112

