

The Study on the Integration Development of MICE Industry in Yangtze River Delta under the Opportunity of 2010 World Expo

【作者】 孙琴

【导师】 郑建瑜;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 经济一体化背景决定了长三角区域会展业实现一体化发展是必然趋势。而2010年世博会的举办对长三角区域会展业一体化发展既是机遇,也是要求。本文正是基于这样的背景下,开展了世博契机下长三角区域会展业一体化发展研究。通过研究,力图将长三角区域发展成为一个要素流通迅速、优势互补、合理分工、协调发展、高度开放的区域会展业一体化体系。文章就世博会对于区域会展业一体化发展的影响进行了分析,指出世博会对加速长三角区域会展业一体化发展作用巨大。在此基础上,文章对长三角区域会展业一体化开展了研究,首先明确了上海在长三角区域会展业一体化发展中的功能定位,接着从市场、空间结构、管理三方面分析了长三角区域会展业一体化发展现状及存在问题,并提出了发展对策。其中,市场是一体化发展的主体,应通过采取营造统一的区域会展市场、开展错位竞争、鼓励跨地区会展企业合作的对策实现区域会展市场一体化;空间结构是一体化的基础,通过树立区域整体战略意识、实施空间环境与要素优势的一体化发展、采用圈层网络化空间发展模式实现区域空间结构一体化;管理是一体化的保障,应发挥政府作为管理者和调控者的作用,从宏观方面引导区域会展业的一体化发展,同时发挥行业协会作为协调者和推动者的作用,从微观层面对区域会展业一体化发展实施管理。

【Abstract】 The background of economic integration determines the inevitable trend of the integration of MICE industry in Yangtze River Delta. And the held of 2010 World Expo will be not only the opportunity but also the requirement of the integration of MICE industry in Yangtze River Delta. The paper did the study about the integration of MICE industry in Yangtze River Delta under the opportunity of the 2010 World Expo based on these background. Through the study, trying to establish the regional integration system of the MICE industry in Yangtze River Delta, in which the elements circulate rapidly, advantages complementary, reasonable division, coordinated development and high degree of openness.The paper analyzed the impact of the World Expo on the integration of the regional MICE industry. It indicated the great influence of the 2010 World Expo on the integration of the MICE industry in Yangtze River Delta. On this basis, the paper did the study. First, the paper defined the function of Shanghai in the regional integration of the MICE industry. Then, it analyzed the status quo and problems in integration of MICE industry in Yangtze River Delta from three aspects which are market, space structure and management. And the paper suggested some countermeasures to realize the integration. In which, market is the main of the integration. It can realize the regional integration of market of the MICE industry through creating regional market, difference competition, and encouraging transregional cooperation among enterprises. Space structure is the basis of the integration. It can realize the regional integration of the space structure of the MICE industry through fostering awareness of the overall regional strategy, implementation the integration development of elements of the space environment and the advantages, using layer network model. Management is the security of the integration. Government should guide the integration from the macro aspect as the role of manager and regulator. And the industry association should implement management from the micro aspect as the role of coordinator and promoter.

【关键词】 一体化会展业长三角区域
【Key words】 integrationMICE industrythe Yangtze River Deltaregional
  • 【分类号】F592.7
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1034

