

【作者】 李亮

【导师】 杨剑龙;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 刘醒龙是中国当代文坛有一定影响力的作家,他最初以中短篇小说获得广泛声誉,这些作品多采用现实主义手法,以强烈的社会责任感关注社会底层的窘困处境,冷峻客观地描写了社会转型时期的现实生活,针砭不良现象,揭示社会矛盾,表现出了一种直面当下社会问题的现实主义精神。上世纪九十年代中后期,刘醒龙开始转而进行长篇小说创作,这些作品迥异于当时文坛沉湎历史碎片虚构、个人身体写作和叙事圈套营构的状况,秉承现实主义创作手法,返归乡土,显示出与诸多作家不同的姿态和追求,彰显其独特的一面。对于刘醒龙作品的研究,表现出中短篇小说较多,长篇小说较少,而系统的长篇小说研究更是缺乏的状况,为此,本论文试图对刘醒龙的长篇小说进行系统性的研究,力图更全面和深入地解读和分析刘醒龙的长篇小说,对其创作思想和创作特色进行更详细地研究和论述,这也是论文意义之所在。本论文拟着重从三个方面展开:一是梳理刘醒龙长篇小说的创作历程,分析其衍变过程,把握其创作特色;二是通过对刘醒龙长篇小说的文本阐释,探究其主题、情感、艺术等多方面的内涵;三是在当代文坛的背景下,认识刘醒龙的长篇小说创作。刘醒龙的长篇小说创作存在着诸多方面的变迁:在主题上,从侧重对当下社会现实生活的关注,到对历史进程中人类普遍问题关注的变迁;在人物形象上,侧重从“父系”人物形象到“母系”人物形象的衍变;在叙述艺术上,叙事存在着从枝桠式到网状式的变化,体现了从平实到纷繁纤细的特点,也折射出作者的艺术追求。而他的小说情感内涵方面也体现出鲜明的特点:一是作者主体意识对现实挪移的吊诡情感,这包括对社会道德拯救的渴望、对影响人类命运不可知因素的疑惧和对大自然“天象”隐喻的惊叹;二是用作者试图“大善”观去僭越现实“恶”的情感,这既包括对“恶”的痛恶,又包括对“爱”的虔诚;三是小说存在着强烈的反现代化的古典情怀。我们在肯定刘醒龙创作成就的同时,也不能忽视其某些长篇小说所存在的一些瑕疵:对生活素材缺乏深入的思考和挖掘、不注重艺术表达、模式化等等,这些又构成了其难以掩饰的不足与遗憾。但总的来说,刘醒龙的长篇小说创作在当代文坛中,显现了其独特性,特别是近期创作,较好地处理了“史诗性”叙事中的历史解构与建构之间的关系,为当代文坛提供了一些借鉴。

【Abstract】 In Chinese contemporary literary world, we should not overlook such a name--- Liu Xinglong, a writer who has left certain influence. He gained his wide reputation primly in novellas and short stories. Most of his works objectively describes the reality of the society in the shifting period. Written by the technique of realism, with intense social responsibility, these novels pay close attention to the hard situation of the bottom estate, reveal the terrible phenomenon, and disclose the conflict of the society. In a word, they show off a kind of realistic spirit which dare to confront the very many social problems at present.From the later period of 1990s, Liu Xinglong began to turn to long novels. His novels are quite far away from the whole situation that the literary world at that time was in, which mainly indulged in fabricating history pieces, body-writing, and constructing narrative traps. By inheriting the skills of Realism, his works return to the rural life, thus display a different posture and pursuit, and as a result, show off their uniqueness.Up till now, the study on Liu Xinglong’s works mainly concentrated on the novellas and short stories. Few articles concerned his long novels, showed a lack of systematic research as well. In this respect, this thesis wants to make a systematic research on Liu Xinglong’s long novels, with attempt to get a comprehensive and thorough analysis so as to minutely dissect his literary creating thoughts and artistic style. This, I must say, also is, where the meaning of this paper lies.This paper will be carried out in three aspects: firstly, to explain the historical development of Liu Xinglong’s long novels and seek his creative characteristics; secondly, to explore the connotations of emotions and themes through textual interpretation; thirdly, to obtain conceptual knowledge of Liu Xinglong’s long novels by putting them against the background of contemporary literary world.Actually, there are most spheres of transition in Liu Xinglong’s long novels: in terms of themes, there is a transition from placing extra emphasis on realistic present social life to paying close attention to widespread public concerns in the historical progress; in terms of characters, there is a shift from the patriarchal characters to the maternal side; in terms of narrative art, there is a change from“twig-like”to“web-like”on narration, so they embody the portraits of variation and sophistication, thus refract the artistic pursuits of the author.On the aspect of his novels’emotional connotation, it has also showed some outstanding features: one is the author’s emotional paradox, including the aspiration of social moral salvation, the misgivings of the unknowable factors which influence human destiny, and the shock at the metaphor of natural wonders. Two, the author tries to put“great goodness”above the realistic viciousness, in which includes the abomination of wickedness and the faith in“love”. Three, a kind of intense anti-modernization classical human concernment has been showed in these novels.Meanwhile, we should not ignore the flaws in some Liu Xinglong’s long novels. To be specific, the materials lack of profound thinking and deep mining, and somewhat the novels follow a patterned approach, neglecting the art expression techniques, and so on. But in general, it should be noticed that Liu Xinglong’s long novels have revealed a kind of uniqueness in contemporary literary world, especially his recent works, which have made a fairly good treatment on the relationship between deconstruction and construction of“Epic”narration. Thus, these novels provide us some useful and valuable reference.

  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】218

