

Research in the Guild Regulations of Qing Dynasty

【作者】 马飞跃

【导师】 王廷洽;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 法律史, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 会馆是明清商品经济急速发展,社会经济政治文化变迁的产物,会馆最初的作用是联乡谊,叙乡情,恭祀神明,使同乡之人聚集有地。随着工商业的发展,会馆也逐步成为商人们居住、存货议事的重要场所,继而又由同一地区同一行业的商人或手工业者组成商业或其他行业性会馆。在会馆表现形态日益多样化的同时,各会馆的规约亦纷纷建立起来,并不断地随时势的变迁而加以完善。他们对会馆的经费来源、会馆支出、会馆内部运行都作了明确的规定,这就在很大程度上克服了过去仅靠官吏临时的、偶发的自愿捐助的不确定性,使会馆能大体上保有经常性的运作经费,使会馆的各项功能可正常发挥。会馆行会制定行业条规章程,对内实施同乡同业的行业管理,对外调节官商关系和二者的利益,以会馆组织的契约协调形式部分地代替了封建社会不完善的市场机制,如签订合同、调节商务纠纷,组织商民向政府投诉地方官的盘剥,以至近代联合抵制、反抗外侮、捍卫主权等。会馆公所通过行规,为商人提供制度保障和有关市场交易及各地文化习俗等方面的信息服务,在保护商人利益、反不正当竞争方面,会馆起了不可替代的作用。与此同时,会馆公所通过行规,要求会员保证商品的质量和标准,不得掺杂使假、缺斤少两,不得哄抬物价、欺行霸市,促使会馆成员养成了良好的商业道德。在中国旧秩序下,会馆作为在行政管理之外的一种具有自我管理自治性质的社会团体,其制定的规章制度发挥着与乡约、族规等相同的作用,弥补了国家法律制度和司法制度缺乏对财产权和商务活动的有效保护和规范的这一缺陷。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of commercial economy and the social vicissitude in the politics and culture, the guild was growing up gradually, which initial function was as the place where the native person could meet together, sacrificed, etc. With the progress of commercial economy, the guild became the important place where the merchants dwelled, deposited their goods and consulted with each other about their mattered concerned, then the merchants or craftsmen who came from the same place or engaged the same business building the merchant guild or the craft guild. At the same time of increasing diversification of the guilds, the guilds established relevant regulations themselves, increasingly perfect with the time changing. They definitely regulated the outlay resources, the guild’s expenditure, the inner operation, overcoming the uncertainty that they had depended upon the occasional endowment by officials in the past, maintaining the ordinary running of the guild.The guild regulations, supervising the behavior of the merchants or craftsmen in the guild on the one hand, adjusting the relations between the guild and the feudal official, remedying the deficient market of the feudal society, even organizing fighting for the national survive and resisting the foreign aggression in the late Qing dynast, displayed huge effect itself. The guild regulations, serving the merchants information about market transactions and regional customs, safeguarded the profits of its members and avoided the ill market competition to a great extent. Meanwhile, the regulations, demanding legal management, forbidding raising up the rise, prohibiting forestalling and monopolization, helped to found normative market moral.In the old system of the feudal society, as the self-regulated social institute outside the official administration, the guild regulations had the same effect as the countryside customs and familial bylaw, making up the defect of the national legal system which could not effectively protect property right and commercial dealings.

【关键词】 清代工商业会馆公所规章制度
【Key words】 Qing dynastyindustry and commerceguildregulation
  • 【分类号】F203;D929
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】314

