

【作者】 吴丽丽

【导师】 潘建国;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 中国古典文献学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 包天笑(1876年2月-1973年11月),原名清柱,后改名公毅,字朗孙,别署钏影、拈花等,江苏吴县人。乃我国新闻界之耆宿,文学翻译界之前驱,小说界之先进,历经百年历史沧桑的跨代作家,曾被誉为近代“通俗文学之王”。本文在前贤研究基础上,利用新发现的《钏影楼日记》等文献史料,从都市生活与都市写作的新角度,探讨包天笑在报刊、电影、小说等方面的重要贡献。论文包括三章,第一章《媒体生涯:包天笑与近代报刊》,梳理包天笑在沪编办报刊杂志的活动,论述其报刊文学的创作特色,并从经济层面,展现其作为近代专职作家的生活状态。第二章《摩登生活:包天笑与早期电影》,考察包天笑与早期上海电影结缘的过程,分析《空谷兰》、《苦儿流浪记》等包氏电影剧本的文本体制与艺术风格,评述包天笑在中国早期电影史上的地位及影响。第三章《海上春秋:包天笑与都市小说》,结合包天笑的寓沪日常生活,细致描述其小说代表作《上海春秋》、《人间地狱》中的都市生活情状,剖析其都市文化特征。论文“结语”,则以包天笑为中心,探讨清末民初时期中国文人的近代转型问题。论文另附录《包天笑著述年表》,搜录笔者所见包氏全部著述,为包天笑研究提供了一份较为详尽的资料目录。

【Abstract】 Bao tianxiao (Feb 26,1876-Nov 24,1973), born in suzhou, was originally named Bao Qingzhu, then renamed Gongyi, Chuanying, Nianhua, etc, all were his pen names. Bao made great achievements in the fields of press, translation, novel and literature. His life spanned over two centuries and was called“Master of pop and pulp fictions”.On the basis of previous studies, with new discovery: <Diary by Chuanying>, the paper discusses the achievements of Bao in press, film and novel from his city life and city literature in three aspects of media career, modern life and time in shanghai.The paper comprises three chapters. Chapter One <media career: Bao and modern Chinese press >: It composes Bao’s experience of editing and writing in Shanghai, investigates the features of his literature– journalism, and comes out how he lived as professional writer in economic strength.Chapter Two< modern life: Bao and Chinese early film>: It discusses the relationship between Bao and Chinese national films, analyze Bao’s film scripts, assesses Bao’s status in the history of Chinese cinema. Chapter Three<time in shanghai: Bao and city novels >: The life in Shanghai inspired Bao. The representative works of Bao,“Time in Shanghai”and“A Living Hell”, were dip dyed by the city life of shanghai.Based on the discussion above, the epilogue explores the writer’s modernized transformation in the period of Late Qing and Early Republic of China with Bao as an individual case.The appendix<Bao’s writing fasti>, search Bao’s writings all which I have seen, provide some material at large for Bao’s research.

【关键词】 包天笑近代报刊早期电影都市小说
【Key words】 Baopressfilmcity lifecity novel
  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】309

