
改善数学提问方法 提高学生解题能力

Improve the Way of Mathematics Inquiry and Promote Students’ Ability of Solving Maths Problems

【作者】 戈永石

【导师】 张寄洲;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 学科教学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 问题是思考的载体,解题是思维过程的延续。因此以问题引导学生学习应当成为数学教学的一条基本原则。提出问题比解决问题更为重要几乎是人所周知的共识。尽管针对提问的研究有不少,针对的解题的研究更是铺天盖地,但是将两者联系起来研究的以前几乎没有。只是近期的杂志上有零星的文章出现,但也只是论述其它问题时偶尔带到一点。对于提问,很长一段时间内人们认为这是教学的艺术,只可意会,不可言传,这在一定程度上阻碍了课堂提问水平的发展。对于解题,人们认为它有章可循,有法可依的技巧,同样对解题水平的提高有一定的制约作用。本文拟将针对解题的提问提升一个层次,使它成为“有模式、有程序、可以复制”的科学方法。对于解题的提问近期的报刊杂志刊登的几乎都是清一色的“探究”式提问,把“讲授”式提问排斥在外。事实上,纯粹的“探究”或“讲授”都不可能产生良好的教学效果,还是“中庸之道”比较好。对于解题也是一样,单纯的“探究”也不能取得很好的效果,应该是把对问题的“探究”与方法类型的“识记”联合运用,使它们达到恰当的平衡,才能获得更好的解题效果,偏向任何一方都会使解题陷入困境。本文的基本框架是:通过两个实验来揭示提问启发与解题思考的关系,从而得出用恰当合理的提问方式和提问顺序来指引解题的方法。通过成果应用来逐步修缮这种方法,使之变得更合理,更完善。本文的第一个实验是通过元认知提示语(探究中的一种)、割碎喂填式(界于探究和讲授之间,偏讲授)和优生依赖术(纯注入式,且是生灌生)三种提问方式对学生解题正确率、效率和心理感受三个方面的影响进行综合研究,得出针对解题的提问中,割碎喂填式的综合效果优于其它两种提问方式。第二个实验是通过一个具体的实例,把学生的真实解题思维过程的展现出来。通过本实验,得出了学生的实际思考过程趋近于先元认知提示语,再割碎喂填式的提问方式的提问过程。也就是学生的解题是从盲目搜寻解题突破口到按部就班地解答过渡的。其中偶尔也穿插一点零星的顿悟(思考形式与优生依赖术相类似)。得到上述两个结论后,将结论运用于成果应用的实验中。在应用的过程中又对上述成果及实施步骤进行了微调,甚至是修订。成果应用是基于解题基础上对学生自我提问的再一次研究,得出了在通读问题,并能合理再现问题情境的基础上,确立了从目标出发,通过目标,先用元认知提示语的思考方式寻找解题的方向与突破口,当方向和突破口选定后再用割碎喂填式思考方式通过对条件的分析、分解和变形,使之逐步向目标靠拢,直至完全重合,这样问题就被解决了,简言之就是通过目标寻找条件和方法。总之,本研究是从学生的解题出发,通过提问对解题的影响的研究又回到了学生的解题,形成一个循环过程。本研究着眼于现实,既关注学生的发展,也关心教师的发展。从教学实际中来,又回到实际教学中去,为切实提高高中数学教学质量,提高教师(特别是本人)的教学水平和学生的解题水平做了一件比较实在的事。本文为如何上好高三数学习题课以及如何指导学生养成良好解题习惯,形成良好的思考秩序提供了理论依据和可操作的方法。当然本研究得到的结论不是包制百病的灵丹妙药,它也只是解题能力的培养和良好思维品质形成的一个方面。最后本文也反思了具体研究过程中存在的一些不足与局限,为后继研究提供了研究方向和相关课题。

【Abstract】 Questions are the carriers of thinking and solving the problems reveals the process of thinking. As a result of which it is a basic rule in math to guide students by asking questions. It’s well known that it is more important to learn to raise questions than to solve them. Though there have already been enough researches on raising questions and more on how to solve them, there is little research about the combination of the two, in spite of several essays concerning it in some recent magazines. What hinders the development of raising questions in class is that people always consider it a kind of art, which cannot be taught by words. As to solving problems, it is a technology which has a certain pattern to follow.This essay aims to deal with raising problems to a higher level, making it a scientific methods which has a certain model and can be copied. There are many essays dealing with“inquires into the type inquiry”. In fact, it’s better to combine the two together.The outline of the essay: through two experiments, the relationship of raising questions and solving them is revealed in order to find a better solution using the reasonable ways and orders. And by testing the result of the experiment, the former solution will be made better.The first experiment of the essay is a synthetic research on effects that the three ways ---Cognitive prompt language, Mangle feeds filling, outstanding students relying on the technique--- have on the rate of correctness, efficiency and students’emotions. The second experiment is meant to reveal the process of the students’solving problems by a specific example. This essay is based on facts which is good for the development of the teachers as well as of the students. It comes from class and it is also used in class. It does improve the teachers’ability and help raise the students’ability of solving the problems. It tells teachers how to teach students in Grade Three and help them form a food habit of solving problems. Of course, it is not a treatment to all weaknesses. It’s only bits and pieces of developing students’ability and form a good habit of thinking. In the end, the essay also reflects some deficiencies and limits which comes along with the research, which provides some related subject for the future research.

  • 【分类号】G623.5
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1056

