

【作者】 胡海滨

【导师】 黄美霞;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 现代教育技术, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 教师与学生家长之间的信息沟通对中小学生的健康成长是十分必要的。有效的沟通方式则是众多学校管理者们一直在探索的重要课题。目前在苏州市网上家长学校已经成为该地区新时间开展学校教育工作,进行家校互动的重要平台。提高网上家长学校的效率是建立网校的初衷。影响网上教育平台效率的因素很多,有内因也有外因;有平台设计层面的也有平台使用者层面的。本文就使用者层面的因素进行了调查分析,提出建议,以便提高网上教育平台的使用率,充分发挥其功能作用。本文由五章组成。第一章主要介绍本课题研究的背景情况,包括问题的提出及对解决问题方法的探索等;第二章对职高学生家长使用网上教育平台的情况进行了调查;第三章是经过数据汇总发现家长不使用的主要原因是由于不会操作,进而提出培训方案,进行针对性的培训,汇总使用效果、对培训的信息进行反馈;第四章对职高教师使用网上教育平台的情况进行了调查,针对教师不常使用该平台的原因提出自己的建议;第五章是总结研究和展望。

【Abstract】 Information communication between teachers and parents is essential to students’ health . The effective way of communication is a main subject. School administration has always been exploring .Nowadays school parents online has become an important platform for carrying out educational work and strengthening the interaction between school and family in the area. Improving the efficiency is the original intention of building up net school. There are many factors which influence it, including internal and external causes : designers and users .This article analyzes the factors of users and make suggestions in order to improve the rate of school usage and make good use of it.This article consists of five chapters. The first chapter is mainly talking about the background of the subject, including the raising of the question and the solution to it. The second chapter is a net questionnaire on using net school; The third chapter is about the reason why those parents seldom use the net school. For example, being incapable of using internet, and summarized the results, feedbacking The training of information. The fourth chapter is about our vocational school teachers who, as well, seldom go to Suzhou Online Parent School and some advice on it. The last chapter is the summary and the future plan.

  • 【分类号】G434;G636
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】525

