

Michel Foucault’s Sex Study and the Cultual Significance

【作者】 陶琦

【导师】 贾明;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 文艺学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在现代,人们普遍相信性被压抑,各种性解放运动也正如火如荼地展开。但是福柯否定了性压抑假说,指出性经验是历史建构的理论;而性解放的口号建立在承认权力——知识结构中性话语的基础上,无疑会误入歧途。福柯在探索性话语的来源时,追溯到基督教以前古希腊罗马,令他惊喜的是,他不但发现了性艺术,还发现了把自我塑造成主体的历史事实。这对深陷权力——知识牢笼的现代人来讲,不啻是重要启示。古希腊罗马人通过性艺术中的自我修身实践来发明自己,并创造伦理的、美学的生存。福柯也让这种“原始的光辉”照在他自身的性爱实践活动上,他放纵自身极端疯狂的性实践,逾越各种法律规则、传统道德、风俗习惯、理性秩序,挑战各种性观念、性行为、性疾病,意欲在性爱中,把自己塑造成伦理主体,把生活提升为诗性的生存。福柯通过历史的考察与自身实践,给以性解放运动以启迪,也为束缚于近代西方思想及其社会制度的人们开导了一条美学的出路,它是根据现代生活条件而创造性地设计出来的新型的自由生活方式。本文首先说明了福柯对性科学的批判,然后探讨福柯对古希腊罗马性爱艺术的研究,从婚姻、同性恋两个角度表明福柯的伦理倾向,最后结合福柯的自身实践,尤其是同性恋和虐恋活动,说明福柯性学的价值,它对寻找真理,发明权力主体和知识主体之外的伦理主体,以及创造审美的生活方式具有极其深远的文化意义。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, people believe that our sex was oppressed, and kinds of sex liberty movement has been taken place. But Michel Foucault denied oppression hypothesis, he put forward a theory that sex was made by history. When he was seeking the source of theory about sex, he did not only found the art of sex , but also found a body of ethics existed in ancient Greek and Roman. He also indulge himself in frenzied sexual activities, which go beyond of laws and rules、traditional morality、custom、reason, ignoring traditional sexual attitude and sexual diseases. Through these activities, he believed can help people get rid of the strong social control, and become the body of subject and body of ethics, finally outreach the aesthetics of existence.

【关键词】 性爱生存艺术自我技术越界
【Key words】 sexart of livingself-technologytransgression
  • 【分类号】C913.1
  • 【下载频次】508

