

Researching on the Plague Descriptions in Ancient Chinese Fictions

【作者】 杨莹樱

【导师】 孙逊;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 瘟疫是人类古老而永恒的话题。它不仅出现在自然界,也显现于中国古代小说中。然而迄今为止,少有对中国古代小说中的瘟疫描写进行全面系统研究的论著。本文以小说为本位,以瘟疫为核心,力图较为深入地探讨中国古代小说瘟疫描写的多重内涵。就中国古代小说瘟疫描写的历史述略而言,其演进的轨迹几乎贯穿了中国古代小说史,构成其中不可或缺的一部分。就中国古代小说瘟疫描写的自然视角而论,瘟疫聚合为一组内容丰富、品种繁多、结构庞大的族谱系统。就中国古代小说瘟疫描写的文学视角看,在结构形式上,瘟疫或作为主题、或作为背景、或作为重要情节、或作为次要情节,但很少作为绝对主角出现;在思想内涵上,中国古代小说中的瘟疫描写虽然丰富,但鲜有就瘟疫描写发掘出令人深思的意义。总体上,中国古代小说中的瘟疫描写呈现出数量多,而总体地位不高的特征,几乎没有以瘟疫为绝对主角、深入瘟疫内部、足以震撼心灵的真正意义上的纯瘟疫小说。这一现象在与西方古代小说瘟疫描写的参照中更为凸现。透析中国古代小说中瘟疫描写背后的社会生活,社会生活背后的历史文化,历史文化背后的精神特质,循环的精神特质是最根本的原因。社会生活中客观存在的大量瘟疫和主观对瘟疫的一系列认识、应对体现于中国古代小说的瘟疫描写之中。历史文化中“天人合一”思想则淡化了瘟疫自身的思辨性。循环的精神特质使得数量多而总体地位不高的矛盾合理地统一并存。中国古代小说中的瘟疫描写映射出的是我国古代社会历史文化的画卷和古人心灵历程的史诗。

【Abstract】 Plagues are old and eternal topics of human beings. They not only exist in natural world, but also appear in ancient Chinese fictions. But there are little works researching on the plague descriptions in ancient Chinese fictions comprehensively and systematically up to now. The author tries to explore the many-faceted intentions of plague descriptions in ancient Chinese fictions focusing on ancient Chinese fictions and plagues in this thesis.In the history of plague descriptions in ancient Chinese fictions, the evolving track of plague descriptions in ancient Chinese fictions almost runs through the history of ancient Chinese fictions. It is a necessary part of the history of ancient Chinese fictions. In the natural view of plague descriptions in ancient Chinese fictions, plagues constitute the pedigree which has plentiful contents, many breeds and huge structure. In the literary view of plague descriptions in ancient Chinese fictions, plagues are elements as theme, background, main plot and minor plot while they are almost not absolute leading roles. The meanings of plague descriptions in ancient Chinese fictions are very plentiful. But there is rarely deep thinking explored in the plague descriptions. On the whole, the plague descriptions in ancient Chinese fictions appear that the quantity is large and the whole status is not high. There are few real plague fictions which take plagues as absolute leading actor and get deep into plagues to shock hearts in ancient China. This phenomenon is especially obvious compared with ancient West fictions.By analyzing the social life behind the plague descriptions in ancient Chinese fictions, the history and culture behind the social life, the spiritual peculiarity behind the history and culture, we can see that the cycling spiritual peculiarity is the intrinsic reason. A lot of plagues in objective social life and a series of subjective recognitions and measures appear in the plague descriptions in ancient Chinese fictions. The concept of harmony of the human and heaven in history and culture weakens the speculation about plagues themselves. The cycling spirit makes the contradictory opposites of large quantity and low status be united reasonably. The plague descriptions in ancient Chinese fictions reflect the pictures of ancient Chinese society, history, culture and the epic of ancient Chinese spiritual history.

  • 【分类号】I207.41
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】384

