

Experimental Study on the Thermo-Hydraulic Behaviors of Heated Discharge into Steady Heterogeneous Receiving Water Area

【作者】 曹靖

【导师】 田淳;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 水力学及河流动力学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 火/核电厂循环冷却水温排放水力热力特性的研究,大部分集中在热水注入均质受纳水域的情况。而很多电厂位于潮汐河口及其附近海域,来自陆地的淡水径流和来自外海的高盐度海水相互汇交,出现盐水入侵现象,形成了本身具有密度差的非均质受纳水域。若电厂采用表面冷却方式,则有大量废热水注入该水域,由于盐淡水分层影响,其盐分、热量随流迁移变化规律,有别于一般均质水域。因此,该方面的研究不仅是环境水力学的前沿课题,也是冷却水工程设计中需要解决的问题。物理模型试验是分析温排水在受纳水域中扩散运移规律的有效方法。本文结合电厂冷却水工程实际,针对表排深取的工程布置,通过物理模型试验,进行了矩形水槽有横向温排放注入的恒定均质水域和恒定盐淡水交汇水域的水力热力特性的系统性试验研究工作,其为国家基金项目的一部分。主要研究内容包括:1.进行了大量的文献查阅,对冷却水工程温排放的物理模拟和数值模拟研究方法有了较全面的了解,对物理模拟的相关问题作了进一步的探索。2.对盐淡水交汇水域水力热力物理模型的相似原理以及温排水的模拟要点进行了分析。3.进行了系统试验的模型规划,布置、加工以及仪器设备的安装和调试工作。4.结合工程实际,取冷却水量为800L/H,取排水温升为10℃,进行了上游来流量为1L/s~4L/s、水深10cm~19cm、盐度0~3%变化范围内多种组合的系列试验,共51组。5.通过对各项参数的系统试验,分析了盐度梯度、水深、淡水径流量对温升分布、热水掺混、热量输运、浮力射流轨迹和取水温升的影响。6.试验结果表明,在表排深取工程布置情况下,取到的深层盐水,使温排水的密度大幅度增加,不同程度的减弱了由冷热水产生的浮力效应,甚至使热水下沉。其运动特征有别于均质水域,在冷却水工程取排水布置时应给予关注。

【Abstract】 The majority of experiment studies are concentrated in heterogeneity receiving waters and the studies are about heated discharge from circulating cooling water in Fire / nuclear power plant. Many power plants locate tidal estuary and its nearby waters, where freshwater runoff from land and sea water of high salinity converge, which appear saline intrusion phenomenon and formed non-homogeneous receiving waters of density difference. If the power plants use surface cooling method, a large number of waste water drain into the waters. Because of effect of fresh-salt water stratification, the change laws of the salt, heat flow with flow are different from general homogeneous waters. Thus, the studies are not only at the forefront topics of environmental hydraulics, but also are demands in engineering design problems about cooling water.Physical model are effective means to analyze the diffuse and transfer rule of heated into receiving water. In this paper, Combined with engineering practice of power plant, according to engineering arrangements which is surface drainage and deep intake, the thermo-hydraulic behaviors have been studied systematically by physical model in Rectangle Flume, where transverse heateddischarge flow into steady homogenization and fresh-salt water mixing water area. Studies are a part of national fund projects and the main contents include:1. Looking up more literature, understand the research methods of physical model and numerical simulation in cooling water engineering. Search the relative problems of physical model further.2. Analyze the similar principle of thermo-hydraulic behaviors, as well as the simulation outline in physical model in fresh-salt water mixing water area.3. Plan and process model, installing and debugging equipment.4. Combined with engineering practice, flow of cooling water is 800L/H and temperature rise is 10℃. Carry out experiments systematically on various flow of freshwater runoff, various depth and various salinity. The experiments include fifty three groups.5. Through systematical test of various parameters, analyze effect of gradient of salinity, water depth, freshwater runoff upon distribution of temperature rise, mixing of hot water, heat transport, buoyant jets trajectory and temperature rise of intake water.6. The results show that intake salt water increases density of heated discharge. Buoyancy effect from hot and cold water density difference is weakened and even hot water layer is concentrated in lower layer. Movement features are different from the heterogeneity water, so we pay attention to engineering arrange ments of water intake and outlet.

  • 【分类号】TV131.6
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】94

