

A Pragmatic Study of Hedges in Communicaton

【作者】 田颖

【导师】 侯涛;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 模糊限制语是一种普遍而又复杂语言应用现象。它广泛存在于各种自然语言和各种不同的语体中。在交际中,若能正确地运用,可以起到不可替代的交际作用。随着人类社会的发展,人与人之间的交往日益频繁。作为人际交往的一种常见形式,日常会话不仅能传递信息,还能表达情感进而影响人的处世哲学,交际策略甚至人际关系,因此在日常生活中备受关注,其研究也具有十分重要的作用。但是,迄今为止,大部分关于模糊限制语的研究对其解释还远远不能令人满意。本文从Verscheren的顺应理论出发,探讨了模糊限制语这一语言在日常交际中使用现象,以中央电视台的谈话类节目《实话实说》为语料进行分析,同时也证明了语言顺应理论的广泛适用性。作者认为模糊限制语的使用是交际者在语言交往中不断做出选择以实现交际目的的过程。这种选择之所以成为可能是因为自然语言的三个特点:变异性,商讨性和顺应性,语言使用者在交际过程中需要做出选择,就模糊限制语的选择来看,主要是使用者为了顺应物理世界,心理世界和社交世界。总的说来,顺应理论在解释语言使用现象时,将时空、文化、社会和心理等因素考虑在内,因此,它可以更好的解释模糊限制语这一语言现象。《实话实说》节目中的语言反映了现代汉语口语的典型语言,分析此类语言有助于我们了解现代汉语中模糊限制语的使用情况,从而加深我们对本族语的了解。同时,模糊限制语是语言表达不可缺少的组成部分,在交际中起着非常重要的作用。分析此类语言,有助于我们更加清楚地意识到我们在真实的交际中,如何使用模糊限制语来达到交际目的,从而可以增强交际者的语言表现力,更好地改善和维系和谐的人际关系。此外,对电视访谈节目中模糊限制语的研究,也有助于我们对模糊限制语作进一步的认识。

【Abstract】 Hedge is a universal and complicated phenomenon of language use. Hedges are widely used in different types of communication and exist in almost all human language. Hedges can play important roles in the interaction of human beings when being used properly and appropriately.In communicative activities, people in everyday conversation not only transmit their information, but also exchange their feelings. They use their communicative strategies as well as their relations with others. Hence the study of everyday conversation is of great importance.Up to now, studies of hedges are far from being satisfactory. Therefore, this paper attempts to take Adaptation Theory to analyze the use of hedges. Based on this theory, proposed by Jef Verscheren, it is held that the use of hedges is a process of continuously making choices with consciousness or not, explanations on how the adaptation is conducted are made with detailed illustration of examples. In the process of interaction, language user makes choice of hedges to achieve his communicative goals and intentions. And it is the three properties of natural language that make it possible to make continuous choices; they are viability, negotiability and adaptability. During the process of choice making, language user has to make adaptation. To be specific, physical, social and mental world have to be adapted to. Comparably speaking, Adaptation Theory provides a clearer account of the use of hedges.The language in "Tell It Like It Is" is typical modern spoken Chinese. A case study of this interview program can offer us knowledge of how hedges operate in modern Chinese and thus deepen our understanding of communication in the language. Meanwhile, hedges are an important part of natural language and play a significant role in human communication. The research on hedges sheds light on how we use hedges to reach our communicative goals. This in turn enhances communicators’ linguistic expressiveness and improves the interpersonal relationship between them. Last but not least, a detailed analysis of the pragmatic features of hedges in TV interview contributes to a better understanding of the hedging phenomenon.

【关键词】 日常会话模糊限制语顺应理论
【Key words】 daily communicationhedgesAdaptation Theory
  • 【分类号】H030
  • 【下载频次】247

