

An Application of the Adaptation Theory in Public Service Advertisement

【作者】 常晓晶

【导师】 侯涛;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着社会的发展,公益广告作为现代文化中的重要组成部分在人们生活中起着越来越重要的作用。此现象已引起人们的广泛关注,然而从语用学角度对公益广告的研究被人们所忽视,所以本论文正是用语用学的分析方法对公益广告做综合研究。公益广告的目的是鼓励和引导大众做出对社会有益的行为以及唤起人们关心社会生活的意识,所以它的语言使用需要鲜明并且引人注目。本文认为,这一创作过程就是不断做出语言选择的复杂过程。本研究以耶夫·维索尔伦的顺应理论为基础,分析及讨论公益广告发展中的语言顺应过程。维索尔伦语用学综观下的顺应理论认为:语言使用是在不同意识程度下为适应交际需要而不断做出选择的过程,语言使用者之所以能够在使用语言的过程中不断做出选择,是因为语言具有变异性,协商性,适应性。语言的使用要从四个方面来解释:适应性的语境相关成分,适应的结构对象,适应的动态过程和适应过程的意识突显性。本研究以此理论为基础,对语料进行研究。本研究通过分析公益广告的类型及语言特点集中讨论:公益广告做出何种语言选择,在顺应理论下公益广告如何实现交际目标。通过分析公益广告的语言,结构,修辞,本研究发现了公益广告的语言选择。结合顺应理论,本研究说明了顺应了心智世界,社交世界,物理世界的公益广告更易于被人接受。希望此研究能够丰富公益广告方面的深入研究,也为广告创意人创造出更有效的公益广告提供借鉴。

【Abstract】 With the development of society, public service advertisement, as a major component of the modern culture, plays a more and more important part in people’s life. While much attention has been paid to the phenomenon and some researches have been made on the linguistic aspects of advertisement, the study on public service advertisement has been neglected by many scholars from a pragmatic perspective. This thesis is going to make a comprehensive research on the public service advertisement with the pragmatic analysis. The function of public service advertisement is to encourage and guide people to do beneficial behaviors and to arouse people’s consciousness to concern social affairs. So its language use must be vivid and eye-catching, and hence a complex process of making relevant choices constantly. The study is based on Jef Verschueren’s adaptation theory to analyze and discuss the process of language adaptation in the development of public service advertisement. As Verschueren’s theory assumes, language use is a continuous making of linguistic choices with different degree of salience for the purpose of communication. Language users make choices continuously or uncontinuously in the process of language use, because language in communication has variability, negotiability and adaptability as its natural property. Any language use can be explained from four aspects: contextual correlates of adaptability, structural objects of adaptability, dynamics of adaptability and salience of the adaptation processes. This study is an empirical one, mainly supported by analysis of original data.This study reveals various patterns of public services advertisements, and through analyzing the features of their languages, it explains: (1) what kinds of language choices public service advertisement makes; (2) how public service advertisement realizes the communicative goal according to the adaptation theory. By studying the words, structures and figures of speech of public service advertisements, the research finds out the language choices of public service advertisements, and with Verschueren’s adaptation theory, it explains public service advertisements that adapt to the mental world, the social world and the physical world can be accepted by people easily.It is hoped that this study can enrich the pragmatic studies on public service advertisement and also make advertisers create more effective public service advertisement.

  • 【分类号】H030
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】574

