

A Correlation Study of Language Learning Beliefs, Learning Styles, Language Learning Strategies and English Achievement

【作者】 张旭军

【导师】 郝玫;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,众多研究人员和教师意识到在语言学习过程中学习者个人所起的作用要远大于教师的作用,所以个体差异成为研究的重心。学习者个体差异包括很多变量,其中语言学习观念、学习风格和语言学习策略三个变量是本研究的重点。目前不少学者对这三个变量进行了研究。其中,有的研究了策略和观念的关系,有的研究了策略和风格的关系,还有的研究了每个变量和外语成绩的关系。但这些研究的研究对象大都集中在大学生中,关于中学生的研究在核心杂志上很少见到,而且研究集中在学习策略和学习观念上。把三个变量和英语成绩结合起来在中学生中的研究尚未见到。本研究重点探索语言学习观念、学习风格和语言学习策略之间的关系和它们与英语成绩的相关性。研究对象为300名高一新生。这些学生均是英语初学者水平。与大学生相比,他们更需要了解语言学习观念、学习风格和学习策略以便为今后高级阶段的英语学习奠定良好的基础。因此本研究旨在这方面做一些有益的探索。本研究采用三份问卷:Horwitz的语言学习观念调查问卷(BALLI),Oxford的风格分析调查问卷(SAS)和Oxford的语言学习策略调查问卷(SILL)。本研究使用描述统计,独立样本T检验,皮尔逊相关分析和多元回归分析等统计方法,分析了三个变量在中学生中的分布情况,高低分组间的差异,三个变量的相互关系,以及对英语成绩最具预测力的变量。以下为研究结果:(1)语言学习观念、学习风格和语言学习策略的分布情况:学生普遍承认语言学能,但对语言学习的特殊才能予以否定;英语属于中等难度的语言;文化对语言有影响,基本语言技能仍是学生掌握的重点;学生对于传统策略和交际策略持积极观念;学生有较强的工具型动机;高低分组学生在语言学习观念上存在差异。学生总体上倾向于视觉型、外向型、直觉型、封闭型、整体型和分析型学习风格;高低分组学生仅在视觉型风格上存在差异。学生使用策略的情况属于中低水平;补偿策略运用最多,而记忆策略运用最少;高分组学生策略使用优于低分组学生。(2)语言学习观念、学习风格、语言学习策略和英语成绩相关性:语言学习观念与学习风格呈显著弱相关关系;除了动机观念和社交策略及整体语言学习策略呈显著弱相关之外,语言学习观念和语言学习策略并无显著相关;学习风格与语言学习策略显著相关;语言学习观念与英语成绩之间除动机观念与英语成绩显著弱相关之外无相关;十一类学习风格中有三类与英语成绩显著相关(视觉型、封闭型和分析型学习风格);六组语言学习策略与英语成绩都有显著相关;语言学习策略在三个变量中对英语成绩的预测力最强,而认知策略对英语成绩的影响在所有策略中最大。本文对研究结果还进行了详细的讨论并且针对性地提出一些教学建议即将以观念和风格为基础的策略培训引入英语教学从而提高学生的英语学习效率。本研究不无缺陷,但希望它能对英语教学和学习有一定帮助。

【Abstract】 Researchers and teachers have now placed much weight on learner differences in recent years as they have realized that it is learners instead of teachers that play a dominant role in language learning. Learner differences contain many variables, three of which are highlighted in this study, namely, language learning beliefs, learning styles and language learning strategies. Researches have been conducted in the three variables. Some focused on the relationship between language learning beliefs and language learning strategies; some concentrated on the relationship between learning styles and language learning strategies and others, the relationship of each variable with second and foreign language achievement. However, a majority of these researches were carried out among college students. By contrast, researches on middle school students have been rarely seen in important journals though there are a few which focus on language learning beliefs and language learning strategies. No researches among middle school students have ever been conducted so far that the three variables are studied together with English achievement. The present study focuses on the correlation study between the three variables and their relationship with English achievement.The subjects involved are 300 senior grade one students from ChangZhi, Shanxi Province. As beginners of English, they call for more knowledge of English learning beliefs, styles and strategies, which would provide them with sound foundation for advanced learning. Thus the present study would be of some significance in this respect.Three questionnaires are used in the present study: Horwitz’s Beliefs About Language Learning Inventory (BALLI), Oxford’s Style Analysis Survey (SAS), and Oxford’s Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL). This study employs such statistical analyses as descriptive statistics, independent T-test, Pearson correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis to analyze the general distribution of the three variables, comparison between high and low proficiency groups, the relationships between the three variables and the most powerful predictor of English achievement.The study has the following main results:As far as language learning beliefs are concerned, students generally believe in the ability of learning a foreign language, but they do not agree with the special ability of learning a foreign language; they think English is medium difficult; they endorse the impact of the culture upon its language and basic language skills still prevail among them; most of the students’ responses to traditional and communication strategies are positive; instrumental motivation is shared among them; there exist significant differences in language learning beliefs between high- and low-proficiency students. As to learning styles, students basically tend to be visual, extroverted, intuitive, closure-oriented, global and analytic and no learning styles are significantly different between high- and low-proficiency students except for visual style. Furthermore, students’ language learning strategy use is far from enough; compensation and memory strategies are the most and the least preferred respectively and high-proficiency students’ strategy use is better than low-proficiency students.The relationships are obtained between language learning beliefs, learning styles, language learning strategies and English achievement: weak but significant relationship is found between language learning beliefs and learning styles; there is no significant correlations between language learning beliefs and learning strategies except that motivation beliefs are significantly but weakly related to social and overall learning strategies; close relationships exist between learning styles and language learning strategies; no significant relationship is seen between English achievement and language learning beliefs except that motivation beliefs are significantly but weakly related to English achievement; three out of the eleven types of learning styles (visual, closure-oriented and analytic styles) are correlated with English achievement; close relationships are found between English achievement and all six categories of language learning strategies; language learning strategy is the best predictor of the three variables, and furthermore, cognitive strategy of all strategies plays the most important role in English learning. This thesis gives a detailed discussion about the findings of the study and based on the findings attempts to introduce Belief & Style-based Strategy Training (BSST) into English teaching to improve students’ English learning efficiency. It is wished to be of some help in English teaching and learning, though the study is not without its limitations.

  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【下载频次】726

