

CAST Process Debugging and Running Technology Study in Wastewater Treatment Plant

【作者】 崔绍波

【导师】 杨云龙;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 环境工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国经济的不断发展和人民环境意识的进一步增强,治理水污染,改善水体环境势在必行,根据《山西省海河流域水污染防治规划》的要求,迫切需要制定污染源控制及水源水质保护计划,因此,建立朔州市污水处理厂,接纳朔州市生活污水,处理达标后排入七里河,以达到治理水污染、改善水体环境,保护人民赖以生存地水源。根据朔州市实际情况,确定污水处理厂工程规模4万m3/d,选择CAST工艺作为本工程处理工艺。CAST工艺是一种较为新颖的具有同步脱氮除磷功能的污水处理工艺,由于其占地面积小、无需初沉池和二沉池、基建及运行费用低、不易发生污泥膨胀、操作管理方便等诸多优点,近年来在我国已得到越来越多的应用,具有广阔的应用前景。本研究是在朔州市污水厂进行的,根据工艺设计参数,针对朔州市污水厂进水水质,进行调试运行的试验研究工作,选择合理运行参数,使污水厂科学合理运行,达到治理环境改善生存质量的目的。朔州市污水处理厂调试运行初期活性污泥培养过程中,由于开始活性污泥活性不好,各项指标如SV、SVI、MLVSS较低,说明污泥活性比较差,出水指标COD、BOD、SS等的去除效果较好,但是氨氮去除率低,经过对CAST工艺运行周期进行调整的同时注意污泥龄及DO的控制,根据试验数据及时对工艺做出调整,使得污水处理厂出水氨氮达标,其它出水指标也符合设计标准。经过朔州污水厂调试运行实验,确定CAST工艺比较适宜的运行周期及参数为:进水90分钟、曝气120分钟、沉淀60分钟,滗水40分钟,闲置20分钟;MLSS控制在3000~5000mg/L;曝气结束时曝气池溶解氧控制在2~3mg/L,污泥龄控制在20天左右。在此周期运行下污水厂BOD5、COD、SS、氨氮等出水指标达到《污水综合排放标准》1级标准,达到设计要求。

【Abstract】 Along with the constant development of China’s economy and environmental awareness enhance,The problem of water pollution, improve water environment is imperative.According to《Haihe River Basin Water Pollution Control Program in Shanxi Province》requirements, The urgent need to develop sources of pollution control and water quality protection plan established Wastewater Treatment Plants in Shuozhou City, Wastewater Treatment Plants Accept City sewage in Shuozhou City, Control Water Pollution and improve the water environment,Protect the people’s survival and water.According to the actual situation of Shuozhou City, Determined the size of the project 40,000 m3 /d about Wastewater Treatment Plant and elected CAST as the process works, CAST is a relatively new technology with nitrogen and phosphorus removal capabilities of the sewage treatment process. Because of its small footprint, no primary settling tank and two Shen Chi, low operating costs, convenient operation and management and many other advantages. The CAST Process has been an increasing number of applications in recent years in china, it has broad market prospects.Shuozhou City sewage treatment plant commissioning training run early activated sludge process, the sludge since the beginning of the activity is not high, indicators, SV, SVI, MLVSS low that relatively poor activity of sludge, water indicators COD, BOD, SS, such as the removal better, but the ammonia nitrogen removal rate low, after the operation cycle of CAST adjust the sludge at the same time pay attention to the age and DO control, according to test data to make timely adjustments to the process, making sewage Ammonia water treatment plant effluent standards, other indicators of water with the design standard.This study is in Shuozhou City’s Sewage Treatment Plant, According to the design parameters and influent water quality, the study carried on the debugging movement research work and selected a reasonable operating parameters. The study achieved environmental management and improved the living quality of purpose. After seven months of debugging running experiments, the author determined appropriate for the operating parameters: Entering the water 90 minutes, aeration 120 minutes, precipitation 60 minutes, decanter 40 minutes, idle 20 minutes; MLSS control in the 3000 to 5000 mg/L; At the end of the aeration control of dissolved oxygen in the aeration tank 2 to 3 mg/L, controlled Sludge age in 20 days. In this cycle of operation BOD5, COD, SS, ammonia, and other indicators of water achieved《Sewage Discharge Standards》in standard.The results complied with design requirements.

  • 【分类号】X703
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】477

