

Survey and Analysis of Self-regulated Learning of Biology in Senior High School and Its Implementary Strategy

【作者】 刘定坤

【导师】 段巍;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 教育, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 从2001年9月份开始,我国第八次课程改革进入了实验阶段,至今已历时八年,本次课程改革的最显著特征和根本任务是学生学习方式的转变,即由原来单一、被动的学习方式转变为旨在充分调动和发挥学生主体性的多样化学习方式,变传统的被动、他主的学习为学生主动、自主的学习。本文分五个部分对自主学习进行探讨:第一部分:新课程下自主学习提出的背景意义及其研究综述。首先分析了为什么要提倡自主学习,认为这是新课程改革的最显著特征和根本任务。接着概述了国内外对自主学习思想和实践研究的历史及现状。然后阐述了新课程下自主学习理论方面的研究,认为自主学习是自我内部动机上的“想学”、“会学”、“善学”,其最根本的特征是学生学习的主动性、独立性、自控性。第二部分:高中生物教师对自主学习的认识情况调查及分析。调查发现:大多数教师虽然知道自主学习很重要,但在日常教学活动中却没有亲自实践自主学习的理念;很多教师对自己在自主学习中的作用认识模糊;很多教师担心自主学习不利于学习成绩提高、会加剧成绩分化。本文联系笔者自己多年教学实践分析了教师对自主学习产生模糊认识的原因。第三部分:高中生的自主学习情况调查及分析。本文对调查结果进行了两个方面的分析:一是自主学习品质对学习成绩的影响分析,对回收的有效问卷运用分类资料的统计分析方法、使用Stata9.1软件进行统计分析,发现,自主学习的基本品质——主动性、自主学习的核心品质——独立性以及自主学习的基本品质——自控性均与学习成绩存在显著相关关系。二是高中生自主学习的现状分析,发现虽然教师认为学生完全有能力实现自主学习的要求,很多学生却明显表现为典型的他主学习,缺乏基本的自主学习能力,笔者认为是因为传统教学主要考虑应试需要,很少顾及学生能力发展,所以导致学生的主体性、能动性逐渐丧失。第四部分:调查中发现三个亟待解决的问题:(1)虽然教师对自主学习的意义有充分的认识,但对自主学习的概念理解不够;(2)教学实践中,很多教师主要关注学习结果,不重视学生获取知识的过程,不重视学生能力的发展,与新课程改革理念不符;(3)很多学生学习前无计划,学习过程中不注意学习策略的选择,不善于灵活充分的利用物质和社会环境资源来辅助学习。本文针对上述问题提出实施策略:优化课堂结构,强化自主学习能力的培养;加强自主学习策略指导;教师应加强理论学习,加强教学反思,将知识转换为课堂实践的能力;改进现行教师、学生评价机制。第五部分:总结与展望。本文没有对所调查的三所学校学生自主性学习能力的差异及其产生原因进行研究探讨,这也是笔者将要继续探讨的问题。另外,针对高中教师、学生的实际情况,探索一套适合高中生物教学的自主性学习模式也是笔者在今后的科研工作中努力的方向。

【Abstract】 It has been eight years since the eighth curriculum reform started in September 2001. The significant characteristic and primary goal of this curriculum reform lies in the transformation of pupils’ learning style, which means that single and passive learning style should be transformed into those can make students learn independently and actively. In order to research on the mode of self-regulated learning, this paper is divided into five chapters.The first chapter focuses on the background and literature review. Firstly, we analyze the causation of advocating self-regulated learning, and think that self-regulated learning is the significant characteristic and primary goal of this curriculum reform. Then we summarize the history and actuality of those foreign and domestic researches on the idea and practice of self-regulated learning. Finally, by expatiating on theoretic study on self-regulated learning during the course of carrying out the new curricula, we think that self-regulated learning is a kind of want to learn, can learn, and specialize in learning which is derived from internal motive of self, and its fundament characteristic is the initiative, independence, self-control of students when they study.The second chapter includes the survey and analysis of how those senior high schools biology teachers comprehend the self-regulated learning. The results show that although teachers think self-regulated learning is very important, they don’t practise the idea of self-regulated learning in their routine teaching activities. Many teachers cannot realize fully the important roles of them play in practicing self-regulated learning. A lot of teachers worry about that self-regulated learning will hinder the improvement in subject achievement. According to long-term teaching practice, author analyze why some teachers can’t understand self-regulated learning fully.The content of the third chapter is about the survey and analysis of actuality of students’ self-regulated learning in senior high schools. The paper investigates the survey from two aspects. One is the influence of the characters of self-regulated learning on subject achievement. By using software stata 9.1 to deal with those effective questionnaires, we find that some primary characters of self-regulated learning such as initiative, independence, self-control are all correlated with subject achievement significantly and positively. The other is the analysis of actuality of students’ self-regulated learning in senior high schools. The results indicate that although teachers think that students are able to realize the requirement of self-regulated learning, some of them are lack of fundamental abilities to studying independently. The author thinks that the principal causation is students gradually lose initiative spirit and positive attitude owing to traditional teaching which pays more attention to examination and neglects the development of students’ abilities.Three very important problems should be resolved urgently are investigated in the fourth chapter. Firstly, many teachers don’t comprehend the concept of self-regulated learning although they have fully realized the significance of it. Secondly, in teaching practice, some teachers only pay attention to results while neglect the process of exploring knowledge and the development of students’ abilities, which doesn’t conform to the requirement of new curriculum reform. Thirdly, lots of pupils have no plans for learning, they cannot choose learning strategies consciously, and they are also not able to effectively use every kind of social resources to facilitate their studies. The paper put forward some strategies to deal with above-mentioned problems: improving current mechanism of teachers and students’ evaluation, optimizing the classroom structure, enhancing cultivation of abilities to studying independently, strengthening instruction of strategies of learning, teachers should study theory intently, and improve abilities to transform knowledge into teaching practice by thinking over teaching.The chapter 5 comprises a summary and outlook for the future research. This paper doesn’t investigate differences of students in three schools surveyed in ability to study independently, as well as the cause of these differences, which are very important subjects of author’s future research. In addition, in the future research the author will probe the pattern of self-regulated learning which fits teaching in biology in senior high schools according to teachers and students’ real situation.

  • 【分类号】G633.91
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】426

