

Peng Yanjiao’s Poetry Creation and Russian Literature

【作者】 谭晋宇

【导师】 赵树勤;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 现当代文学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪40年代,一些目光敏锐的评论者便注意到彭燕郊这颗诗歌创作领域里冉冉升起的新星。随着时光的推移,彭燕郊的创作逐渐成为诗歌界一种独特的现象。在这种现象背后包蕴着诗人锐意进取的探索精神和博采众长的不竭诗思。这些年来,彭燕郊诗歌创作与外来因素之间的联系被学界逐渐重视,这对揭示彭燕郊诗学发展的深层原因有重要的文学价值和意义。迄今为止,彭燕郊诗歌创作与俄罗斯文学的关系还未被充分开掘和探讨,本文试图在这方面做一些有益的尝试。文章分为六个部分。引言由近年来彭燕郊诗歌创作所赢得的社会声誉说起,在简述彭燕郊诗歌创作的发展历程以及彭燕郊诗歌研究现状的基础上,阐明本文的研究意图、方法和意义。第一章主要从情感、意象、艺术手法三个方面对比彭燕郊早期诗歌与叶赛宁诗歌的异同,阐述叶赛宁对彭燕郊早期诗歌创作的影响,以及彭燕郊在前人基础上所做的创新和超越。第二章研究陀思妥耶夫斯基的小说在思想和技法上对彭燕郊的启发。陀氏的创作不仅对彭燕郊在后期创作中转向人类灵魂的拷问和现代现实主义起到了重要的作用,而且对彭燕郊向人文关怀的高度提升诗歌意义产生了有益的影响。第三章探讨彭燕郊诗歌创作与屠格涅夫的关系。论述屠格涅夫的作品对彭燕郊诗歌创作在情思深化和神形相随两个方面的影响。第四章分析彭燕郊接受俄罗斯文学,并在诗歌创作上取得丰硕成果的主客观原因。结语进一步论述彭燕郊通过汲取俄罗斯三位文学大师的创作精华,提升自我诗歌创作层次的文学现象在诗歌创作与诗歌理论发展两个方面带给我们的重要启示。

【Abstract】 In the 1940s, some commentators pay attention to Peng Yanjiao as a new star in poetry creation domain. Along with the time passes, Peng Yanjiao’s poetry creation becomes a kind of unique phenomenon gradually in the poetry field. Behind this kind of phenomenon which contains the drainless poetic thoughts to be going all out the exploration spirit takes the best. These years, the telation of Peng Yanjiao’s poetry creation and foreign factor is taken gradually by the researcher, it means the important literary value and the significance to promulgates Peng Yanjiao’s poetics development in-depth reason. The relation of Peng Yanjiao’s poetry creation and Russian literature has not been dug and discussed fully until now, This article will do some beneficial attempts in this aspect.The article divides into six parts.In the introduction the social prestige which the poetry creation won in recent years by Peng Yanjiao will be mentioned at first, introduced that Peng Yanjiao the poetry creation the development process as well as the present situation of Peng Yanjiao’s poetry research, Then the research intention, the method and the significance of the article will be pointed out.The first chapter mainly contrasts Peng Yanjiao the early time poetry and Yelsainis the poetry similarities and differences from the emotion, the image, the artistic technique three aspects, elaborated the influence that Yelsainis to Peng Yanjiao the early time poetry creation’s, as well as Peng Yanjiao the innovation and surmounting does in the predecessor foundation.The second chapter studies the Dostoyevsky base’s novel in the thought and in the technique to the Peng Yanjiao inspiration. Dostoyevsky creation not only played the vital role to Peng Yanjiao in the later period creation relay to human soul’s interrogating and torturing with the modern realism, and has had the beneficial influence to Peng Yanjiao to the humanities concern’s high promotion poetry significance.The third chapter discusses Peng Yanjiao’s poetry creation with Turgenefs relations. Elaborates Turgenefs work the poetry creation follows two aspect influences to Peng Yanjiao in the emotions deepeningThe fourth chapter Analysis Peng Yanjiao to accept the Russian literature, and obtains the rich fruit in the poetry creation with the subjective and objective reason.The conclusion further discusses Peng Yanjiao through to derive the Russian three literature master’s creation essence, the literature phenomenon that promotes the self-poetry creation level develops two aspects which in the poetry creation and the poetry theory to take to our important enlightenment.

  • 【分类号】I207.25
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】93

