

The Comparative Research to Evaluation of Ordinary College Students’ Maximal Oxygen Intake

【作者】 陈锐

【导师】 汤长发;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 运动人体科学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 研究目的:本研究通过运用跑台对32名普通高校男大学生的Vo2max进行直接测定,并以此为标准,对国内目前较常用的PWC170法、Astrand列线图法、Fox法、12min跑法和国人自己设计的丁振平法、陈文堉法6种方法预测Vo2max的有效性、准确性和相关性进行比较性研究,旨在选出较为准确、有效、又适合我国国情的普通高校男大学生Vo2max的间接测试方法,为我国大学生体质研究中大规模测定Vo2max、评价有氧运动能力和心血管机能水平提供参考依据。研究方法:将32名男性大学生志愿者随机分为7组,采用交叉作业的测试方式,相互间隔时间为2周,利用直接测定法和6种间接测定法测得Vo2max。研究结果:(1)用6种间接测定法所测定的Vo2max与直接测定法测定的结果进行比较,经统计学处理,结果发现,其中有3种方法(Astrand列线图法、Fox法和陈文堉法)推测结果较实测值高,2种方法(丁振平法和PWC170法)较实测值低,差异都具有统计学意义。12 min跑法的推测结果虽然不同程度地高于实测值,但差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。(2)用6种间接测定法推算出的Vo2max值与直接测定法Vo2max值进行相关分析,结果表明1 2 min跑法测得Vo2max的相关系数最大,为0.89(P<0.01);Astrand列线图法的相关系数最小,为0.61(P<0.01)。研究结论:(1)将6种间接测定法所测定的结果与直接测定法测定结果进行标准关联效度分析,仅12 min跑法的相关系数1=0.89(P<0.01),且推测结果与实测值的差异无统计学意义(P>0.051,因而认为,12min跑法有效性、准确性高,是一种适合推测我国普通大学生Vo2max的间接方法。(2)Fox法与直接测定法相关程度虽较高,且具有统计学意义,但推测结果较实测值高。建议用它推算普通大学生Vo2max时应慎重。(3)Astrand列线图法和丁振平法不仅相关系数较小,推测结果高于或低于实测值,且差异具有统计学意义。不大适合用它们推测普通大学生Vo2max

【Abstract】 Intention: Mensurating 32 male college students’ Vo2max directly with paotai firstly, then take it as a criterion, and research the forecast ofVo2max with the methods of PWC170、Astrand in line chart、Fox、12 minutes running、Ding zhenping and Chen wenyu comparatively. Toobtain more scientifical Vo2max test methods and indirect calculate formula which suit for Chinese male college students, and provide a reference to evaluate aerobic exercise capacity and cardiovascular function, while do research in mass of mensurations to the physique of college students.Method: Dividing 32 volunteers of male college students into 7 groups randomly, adopting the cross test-operation and the mutualinterval is two weeks, utilize the direct method and six kinds of indirectmethod to measure Vo2max.Results: (1) Comparing with the result of Vo2max by the method of the six kinds of indirect method and the direct method, After the statistical analysis and found that: The result which is speculated by the three kinds of method(Astrand in line chart、Fox、Chen wenyu ) is more higher than the actual value, the result which is speculated by the two kinds of method (Ding zhenping、PWC170) is more lower than the actual value, there have a statistically significant difference too. The result which is speculated by the method of 12 minutes running is more higher than the actual value, but no statistically difference (P> 0.05).(2) The results of Vo2max by the method of the six kinds of indirect method and the direct method are taking related analysis, and showed that:The Vo2max indirectly be calculated by the method of 12 minutes running is highest correlative to that mensurated directly, and the correlationcoefficient is 0.89 (P <0.01); The Vo2max indirectly be calculated by themethods of Astrand in line chart is lowest correlative to that mensurated directly, and the correlation coefficient is 0.61 (P <0.01).Conclusion: (1)The results of Vo2max by the method of the six kinds of indirect method and the direct method are taking related analysis, and showed that: 12 minutes running method’s correlation coefficient is 0.89 (P <0.01) only, and The result which is speculated by the method of 12 minutes running is more higher than the actual value, but no significant difference (P> 0.05).So consider that the method of 12 min running iseffective、exact, and is a suitable indirect method to speculate Vo2max forChinese college students.(2)The correlative degree between the method of Fox and the direct method is more higher, and have statistical significance, but the result of speculation is higher than the actual value. So we propose that we will becareful to speculate college students’ Vo2max by the method of fox.(3)The correlation coefficient of the methods of Astrand in line chart and Ding zhenping is not only smaller, but also the speculation is higher or lower than the actual value , and the difference have statisticalsignificance. So the two methods are not suitable to speculate Vo2max for college students.

  • 【分类号】G804.49
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】389

