

Focus on the Excellent Traditional Culture Inspirit Transmition of Ancient Literature Works in Education

【作者】 彭薇

【导师】 程大琥;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 教育, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 中国传统文化是中华民族智慧的结晶和精神风貌的体现。对青少年学生进行传统文化教育是弘扬和培育民族精神,提高民族素质的重要内容。古代文学作品不仅体现语文学科的工具性,更凝结着古代人民熠熠生辉的思想精华,是优秀传统文化精神的重要载体。因此,在中学时期——青少年成长成熟,形成人生观、世界观的重要阶段,通过古代文学作品教学,进行优秀传统文化精神的教育是十分必要的。但从目前教学实践来看,令人遗憾的是这些宝贵财富在教学中被白白浪费,教师和学生更看重考试能力,而非人文品质,造成部分学生缺失优秀传统文化精神。当然,弘扬和培育民族精神,提高民族素质也许不是语文教育能够独自担负的重任,但是语文教育应当始终坚守这一方“精神家园”。本文从古代文学作品教学的角度出发,针对部分中学生缺失优秀传统文化精神的现状,以现行人教版高中语文教材为研究对象,围绕“如何在古代文学作品教学中传承优秀传统文化精神”展开讨论。首先,本文阐述了“传统文化精神”的内涵,解析了其精华与糟粕共有的特点,提出在教学中要引导学生正确对待传统文化精神。然后,本文陈述当代中学生缺失优秀传统文化精神的现状,并分析其原因,其中特别强调中学生缺失优秀传统文化精神的危害性。针对这一状况,本文在下面章节中重点阐述了古代文学作品教学在文化价值、教育价值、审美价值等方面,对优秀传统文化精神传承的重大意义,深刻剖析了目前古代文学作品教学不够关注优秀传统文化精神传承的现状,并从教材、教师、教学方法以及课外活动四个方面提出一系列解决办法,以期取得良好的效果。

【Abstract】 Chinese traditional culture is the embodiment of the china wisdom. Carrying on traditional culture education to callan is a important content for developing and breeding ethos. the Ancient literature works not only display the learning means of Chinese branch, but also coagulating ancientry people’s great idea essence, It is a significant carrier of excellenttradition culture. Hence, the middle school phase——Youngboys and girls’ growth ageing, is a significant particular period of takeing shape the outlook on life and World. By means of the ancient literature works educations , It is fully indispensable to carry on excellent tradition culture essence education. It is pitiful that these precious richness are squanderd from the education practice at the moment, Tutor and student still more value the examination capability than humanity quality , Create part of student lack excellent tradition culture essence. Of course , Chinese education is not the only one to shoulder the heavy responsibility to Develop & breed national ethos and inproving national quality, yet Chinese education ought to be hold fast to guard the "Essence homeland " .This article take a research with the situation of partial middle school student lacking ancient literature works educations and the target of senior middle school Chinese teaching material of man religion edition , Take a discuss of revolving round "How to hold excellent tradition culture essence in the ancient literature works educations" . First, The artical expatiate " Traditional culture essence " Connotation, explain the characteristic of elite and the dreg, Propose guideing student correctly to approach traditional culture essence in teaching. Afterwards , Narrate the present situation that current middle school student lacking excellent tradition culture essence , Moreover analyse these reasons , particularly emphasize the perniciousness of lacking excellent tradition culture essence. In view of this state , the following chapters and sections elaborateing the great significance of culture value、education value、beauty appreciation value and so on to the ancient literature works educations, analysing the sitation of ancient literature works educations concerning insufficiently to excellent tradition culture essence, Then propose a series of resolves through the teaching material、Tutor、Education means and outside class teaching for more good effect.

  • 【分类号】G633.3
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】726

