

The Research on Applying Cognitive Learning Theory in Vocal Music Teaching

【作者】 姚姚

【导师】 吴跃跃;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 声乐教学模式的研究一直是人们探讨的重要问题。传统的声乐教学模式中,师生双方都已习惯了“口传心授”以教师为主导的教学方法,学生的学习类似于鹦鹉学舌,声乐教学在注重学生演唱实践能力培养的同时,较少考虑教师教学方法的改变与学生学习模式的研究。学习论是指导教学和学习的一门基础理论,本文试图将学习论与心理学、教育学及声乐教学相结合,将认知学习论中的格式塔学习理论、建构主义学习理论、信息加工学习理论中的部分理论运用于声乐教学中,进而来探讨新形势下的声乐教学。通过实验与研究初步提出了适应于声乐教学的策略,旨在丰富声乐教学理论,辅助声乐教学实践,力求使声乐教学和声乐学习建于更加科学的基础之上。本论文共分为五部分。第一部分,引言,论述了本课题研究的理论价值和实践意义。第二部分,问题的提出,阐明了本课题研究的动机、运用的主要理论依据——认知学习理论的内涵和特点。第三部分,理论研究,分析了认知学习理论中的格式塔学习论、建构主义学习论和信息加工学习论与声乐教学的联系,并对相关问题作出了理论研究。第四部分,实践应用,将第三部分的理论研究成果运用到声乐教学实践中,并提出了具体的教学策略。第五部分,结语,总结了认知学习理论在声乐教学中应用的相关研究。

【Abstract】 Vocal music teaching methodology is an important research topic in education society. In traditional vocal music teaching class, both teachers and students are accustomed to the so-called "teacher says while student listening" mode. In such class that teachers play the leading role, students just imitate what teacher does. Vocal music teaching pays much attention on practical singing ability of students, but it cares less about the teaching methodology and the learning theory. Learning Theory is the theory basis of all kinds of teaching and learning. Therefore, this thesis presents a novel methodology by combining Learning Theory with psychology, pedagogics and vocal music education. More formally, the presented vocal music education integrates Gestalt Learning Theory, Constructionist Learning Theory and Information -Processing Theory. The presented vocal music education methodology also takes care of the new problems occurred in the new age. The thesis also presents a lot of practical strategies by giving experiments and examples. We believe that the thesis could help to enrich vocal music teaching theory, to assist the vocal music teaching practice, and to make the vocal music teaching and learning more scientific.The thesis is made of five sections. The first section is introduction, which states the theoretical and the practical contribution of our research. The second section includes the motivation and the theory basis, i. e., the Cognitive Learning Theory, of our research, including its definition and features. In the third section, we studies three important theories of Cognitive Learning Theory. They are Gestalt Learning Theory, Constructionist Learning Theory and Information - Processing Theory. The section also presents the theoretical research on application of these theories. The fourth section focuses on applying the theoretical research results in practice. We present a lot of vocal music teaching strategies in this section. The last section concludes the whole thesis and the related work.

  • 【分类号】J616-4
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】274

