

On the Optimization of the Mathematical Thinking Character of Students in the Junior High School

【作者】 黄斌

【导师】 邓汉元;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 教育, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 在实施素质教育的今天,培养学生创新精神,提高创新能力成为了教育的主要目标。而培养学生的思维品质则是培养学生的智力和能力,提高教学质量,减轻学生负担的有效途径。思维品质表现了思维能力水平。思维品质主要包括深刻性、灵活性、批判性、独创性和敏捷性等五个方面。这五个方面从不同的角度对思维品质进行了描述:深刻性体现了思维的深度;灵活性体现了思维的变化能力;批判性体现了思维的主见性;独创性体现了思维的新颖性;敏捷性体现了思维的速度。这五个方面是互相联系、密不可分的有机整体。目前,教育理论研究和教育实践中,一些学者和教师对优化学生思维品质、提高学生思维能力展开了多方面的研究和试验,但是多局限于从心理学、教育学等角度研究和实践。我通过积累多年的数学教学经验,发现初中阶段数学优等生的思维具有一些普遍的特征,并致力于对优秀思维品质的培育的研究和探索,力图将研究成果推广至普通学生,以优化所有学生的数学思维品质。本研究的主要成果表现在三个方面。首先,分析总结了初中数学优等生的思维品质特征,即数学思维的敏捷性是优等生数学思维的最主要的外在表现特征;数学思维的灵活性是数学优等生思维的共同特点;数学思维的深刻性是数学优等生思维的主要的内涵特征;数学思维的批判性有了一定的发展;数学思维的独创性还有待加强。其次,结合初中数学优等生的思维特点和教学实际,设计出了以“培养学生思维品质”为核心的教学应遵循的教学原则和适用的教学途径。在教学过程中,针对五种不同的思维品质提出了不同的培养方案。最后,实施了思维品质的优化方案,并对实施效果进行检测,发现效果良好。说明本研究具有很强的实践意义,值得推广。

【Abstract】 In the implementation of quality education, cultivating the students’ spirits of innovation and developing the students’ abilities of creativity have become the main objectives of education nowadays. The effective ways of improving the quality of students’ thinking quality are training their intelligence and capability, improving the quality of teaching, reducing their burden. The quality of thinking performances the level of thinking ability. The quality mainly includes five aspects: penetrability, flexibility, criticality, creativity and sensitivity. These five aspects have described the thinking quality in different ways. Penetrability shows the depth of thinking; flexibility shows the reflection of thinking; criticality shows the assertion of thinking; creativity shows the originality of thinking and sensitivity shows the speed of thinking. These five aspects are inter-linked as a whole.Currently, in educational theory and practice, some academics and teachers have made a lot of studies and experiments on promoting and developing the students’ thinking ability, but most of them are limited psychologically and educationally. By my experience in mathematics teaching for years, I found that the thinking of the junior top students in math have some common characteristics. I have devoted to study and exploration in outstanding quality of thinking, and tried my best to spread the research results to ordinary students in order to develop all students’ mathematical thinking quality.The main results of this study are shown in three aspects. First, a summary of the Junior Excellents in the quality of thinking, that is sensitivity of the excellents’ mathematical thinking is the main external features in Mathematical Thinking; flexibility of the excellents’ mathematical thinking is a common feature; penetrability is the main content of the excellents’ mathematical thinking; criticality mathematical thinking of has been developed in some degree; creativity of mathematical thinking need to be strengthened. Secondly, according to the characteristics of junior excellents’ in mathematics thinking and in teaching practice, I designed the teaching principle and application at the core of "developing the quality of students thinking" which should be followed and used in teaching. In the process of teaching, I raised different training programs to five different thinking qualities. Finally, I put the programs in to use, examined the effect and found good results. It proved that the study is of great practical significance, and worthy of promotion.

  • 【分类号】G633.6
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】455

