

The Research on Functions of the Organization of the Communist Youth League of China in School during the New Period

【作者】 黄敏

【导师】 陈牛则;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 教育, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 学校学生中共青团员所占比例特别大,通过团组织活动做好团员的日常思想工作,等于做好了全体学生的工作。因此,学校共青团工作是学校学生思想政治工作的重要组成部分。随着时代的发展,学生思想状况发生了新的变化,教育体制改革带来了学校教学与管理的革新,给新时期学校共青团的职能发挥带来了挑战,直接影响到共青团组织的吸引力、号召力和控制力。研究学校共青团的管理职能,对于完善学校共青团工作的理论研究,指导学校共青团组织活动的开展,具有较强的现实意义。文章运用调查法、文献法,了解学校共青团组织工作前沿和新时期学校团组织工作现状,探讨新时期学校共青团的管理职能。全文分为四部分:第一部分从新时期学校共青团工作的新特点、共青团组织职能的研究和国内外共青团工作研究状况等方面,了解当今学校共青团工作的时代背景,分析学校共青团职能研究的必要性。第二部分针对新时期学校共青团工作面临的挑战,分析新时期学校共青团工作的新特点,明确学校团组织的职能的新要求。第三部分在了解职能内涵的基础上,结合新时期共青团工作的现实要求,重点分析新时期学校共青团的育人职能、服务职能、创新职能、文化建设职能和构建和谐校园职能等五个基本职能,从而进一步明确新时期学校共青团组织的工作重点。第四部分结合学校共青团工作的传统优势和时代特征,从学校共青团的五个基本职能入手,对学校共青团职能发挥进行了对策思考,力求改进学校共青团工作的内容、方法和途径,提高共青团工作的实效。

【Abstract】 Most of the students are league members, so guiding the league members’ thought in their daily life means that we have succeeded in leading all the students’, which becomes a very important part of the college students’ political and idealistic work. The number of students having greatly increased after enlargement of the admission size, puts a heavy burden on administration and confines this organization’s function, thus directly affecting its attraction, rallying point and control. Hence, the research on its function of administration has a strong practical meaning on paper or in practice.This paper is to discuss its function of administration, state its up-to-date and existing situation through investigation and looking up the related documentation. It can be divided into four parts:In part one, it demonstrates the background of the work of the communist youth league in school in modern times, and analyzes the necessity for the study of its’ function.In part two, facing to this organization’s challenges during the new period, it analyzes the new features of the work, makes clear the new demand of the organization’s function.In part three, it mainly analyzes the functions of the education, service, innovation, culture construction and constructing a harmonious campus, thus making clear the work point of the communist youth league in college during the new period. In part four, it has studies the Countermeasures to its functions: trying to enhance the content, methods and ways of its work, finally improving proficiency of the communist youth league in college.

【关键词】 学校共青团职能研究
【Key words】 schoolCommunist Youth Leagueresearch on function
  • 【分类号】D297
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】506

