

The Influences of Chinese Children’s Vocabulary of the Native Language on English Vocabulary Acquisition and Learning Strategies Training

【作者】 邹欣欣

【导师】 廖光蓉;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 词汇是语言的基石,中国学生英语词汇量的不足已成为制约他们英语水平提高的“瓶颈”,对于儿童英语学习者来说,更是如此。语言迁移是二语习得中的一种普遍现象,是指语言学习过程中学习者已有的语言知识和技能对获得新的语言知识和技能的影响。语言迁移按其影响的效果可分为两种:正迁移和负迁移。母语的正迁移有助于外语学习,而负迁移却会导致错误的产生,对外语学习起阻碍作用。一般来说,当母语的某些特征同外语相似或完全一致时会产生母语的正迁移,反之则产生负迁移。英语和汉语属于两种不同的语系,有相似之处,也有不同的地方,体现在包括词汇在内的各个方面。中国儿童在英语词汇学习过程中也不可避免地受到汉语的影响。很多国内外专家的研究已表明:儿童是第二语言学习的关键期。随着中国儿童学英语热的不断升温,较系统地研究汉语尤其是汉语词汇量对中国儿童英语词汇习得的影响和习得策略训练就显得尤为迫切。多年来,外语界在儿童母语对外语学习的影响这个问题上争论不休,大部分专家只强调母语在外语学习中的负面作用,而忽视了母语的积极作用。在探讨汉语词汇量对儿童英语词汇习得的正、负迁移上的研究就更少了。本论文拟侧重于此方面对中国儿童汉语词汇量对其英语词汇习得的影响和习得策略训练的效果上作些探索性的研究。本论文采用比较、归纳的方法,以语言迁移理论、语言普遍原理、儿童语言发展理论、二语习得理论、联结理论等理论为指导,采用实证研究和归纳分析法,以岳阳市楼区朝阳小学六年级两个平行班级的学生作为实证研究对象,进行了为期三个月的实验与研究,在实证的基础上探讨了中国儿童在学习英语词汇中的汉语词汇迁移现象及英语词汇习得策略训练的效果:通过对学生汉语和英语词汇量的测试和比较,得出中国儿童母语词汇量与英语词汇习得的关系;通过对学生在词汇习得策略训练前后的英语词汇量测试成绩的对比,得出相应的词汇策略训练的效能。论文分为引言,正文和结论三部分。引言主要介绍了本论文写作的意图,对本论文中提及的术语进行了解释,并对论文的内容进行了概括说明。第一章是文献综述,简述了国内外与论文相关已有的研究及观点。第二章主要简述了论文的理论框架,包括语言迁移理论、联结理论、语言普遍原理、儿童语言发展理论、二语习得理论等理论。第三章是是实证研究部分,通过实证研究得出中国儿童母语词汇量对英语词汇习得的影响及词汇策略训练的效果。第四章结论部分在实证研究的基础上对中国儿童母语词汇量对英语词汇习得的正、负迁移的原因进行了分析、综合,并综述了相适应的、有效的词汇训练策略。结论部分得出结论:中国儿童母语词汇量的增加对英语词汇习得有较大的促进作用,但同时又存在负迁移;相适应的词汇习得策略的运用有利于促进儿童母语对英语词汇习得的正迁移,大大减少其负迁移。

【Abstract】 Words are the bases of a language. The lack of vocabulary is a bottle-neck" which prevents students from raising their English lever, especially for children. Language transfer is a universal phenomenon in the second language acquisition. It refers to the influence imposed by a learner’s possessed linguistic knowledge and skill upon the subsequent learning of new linguistic knowledge or skill. According to the effect that the native language has on the foreign language, transfer is classified two types: positive transfer and negative transfer. Generally, positive transfer takes place where there are similarities between the two languages and will facilitate foreign language learning, while negative transfer results from their differences and will lead to errors.Belonging to two different language families, English and Chinese are different from each other besides some similarities in all aspects including vocabulary. Inevitably, English vocabulary learning by Chinese children is also influenced by the Chinese language. The researches at home and abroad show that children possess an instinctive language acquisition device .With the popularity of learning English in Chinese children, it is getting more and more necessary to research the influences of Chinese on children’s English vocabulary acquisition.For years, Most experts have emphasized the negative transfer in foreign language learning(FLL)and neglected the positive role of the native language. Little has been discussed on transfer of Chinese vocabulary on children’s English vocabulary learning. Therefore, intending to make up for this limitation, this thesis aims more especially at the transfer of Chinese on the English vocabulary acquisition by Chinese children and effective vocabulary acquisition strategies.This thesis intends to make a tentative inductive and experimental study by taking the theories of language transfer, linguistic universals, children’s language development, foreign language acquisition and connectionism as its rationale, and to probe into the features of Chinese influences on English vocabulary learning by Chinese children are presented with an experimental study. Here the students of two classes from Chaoyang Primary School in Yueyang City were taken as subjects and the survey lasted 13 weeks. We found the relationship between Chinese and English vocabulary as well as the effects of English vocabulary learning strategies from the data.The thesis consists of an introduction, four chapters and a conclusion. The introduction briefly reviews of the study topic, concerning the definition of language transfer, the historical development of language transfer, the types of language transfer and the importance and the reason of raising the study topic. Differentiating some terms which either are going to be used in this thesis.Chapter One presents in detail previous research and finding by the researchers home and abroad as well as the arguments and studies relevant to the thesis topic.In Chapter Two, theoretical framework and views on language transfer the vocabulary acquisition strategies are explicated in detail as theoretical foundation of the empirical study, including the theories of language transfer, connectionism , linguistic universals, children’s language development, foreign language acquisition.Chapter Three provides an experimental study on how Chinese vocabulary is transferred into English vocabulary learning by Chinese children and the effect of the corresponding vocabulary learning strategies.Chapter Four discusses the reasons for the positive and negative transfer in children’s English vocabulary learning, and provides some effective vocabulary learning strategies on the Chinese children so as to make full use of positive transfer and reduce the negative influence of it as much as possible.The last part draws some conclusions on the base of the result and analysis. That is, Chinese vocabulary threshold has influences on children’s English vocabulary acquisition and be able to facilitate English vocabulary learning; corresponding vocabulary learning strategies training can make full use of the positive transfer and reduce the negative influences of it as much as possible.

  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】592

