

Study on the Moral Educational Function of High Middle School Mathematics Teaching under the New Curriculum Standards

【作者】 曹译方

【导师】 叶军;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 教育部2003年4月份颁布的《普通高中数学课程标准(实验)》,指出“数学教育作为教育的组成部分,在发展和完善人的教育活动中、在形成人们认识世界的态度和思想方法方面、在推动社会进步和发展过程中起着重要的作用”“使学生具有实事求是、锲而不舍的精神,使得学生学会用数学的思考方式解决问题、认识世界”,强调突出了数学教育育人的一面。确定本研究进行研究可以更好地理解数学新课程改革追求素质教育,促进学生全面发展,追求教育的平衡的思想。本文首先对国内外的数学学科德育功能研究状态作了综述,在此基础上拟订了几条数学学科德育功能内容,并请几位数学教育方面有造诣的专家对所拟订的做出了鉴定和补充,再结合相关文献资料,最后确定了数学学科德育功能的内容和特点。其次,设计了调查问卷,深入新课程实施的两个地区,对学生、数学教师课堂教学中数学学科德育功能实施状况进行了调查问卷。运用统计知识分析处理数据得出相关结果。得出总的结论是:新课程标准下的高中数学学科德育功能有助于达到新课程改革的目的,促进学生的全面发展,真正实现素质教育。最后,在调查研究的基础上,笔者提出了在新课程标准下高中数学教学中加强数学学科德育功能的几点建议:①新课程标准下数学教学中实施数学学科德育功能确实能促进学生的全面发展;②对教师的新课程培训有待加强;③教师教学理念有待更新;④数学教学中对数学学科德育功能的实施有待加强。

【Abstract】 The Ministry of Education in April, 2003 promulgates"the Ordinary High school Mathematics Curriculum Standard(Experiment) " , pointed out mathematics education as a part ofthe education plays a very important effect in developing andconsummating for person’s education, the manner and thethinking method aspects and in the impetus society progress andthe developing process, to raise the spirit which can make thestudents realistically, never give up and know the way how tosolve problems and understand the world by mathematics ways andmeans. And it emphasize on the education nurture.This confirmed thesis to research will better understand the thought of new mathematics curriculum reform in the pursuing of education for all-around development, promote the student all-sided development, and keep education balance thought.Firstly, in this thesis had a comprehensive summary of moral education function condition of the domestic and foreign mathematics discipline. And on the basic draw out several contents of mathematics disciplines moral education function. And asked several experts of mathematics educations making appraisal and supplement and combined relation references and datum, and then determined the research main contents and characteristic of mathematics discipline moral education function. Secondly, designed the investigate questioning volumes, by which investigated the students, the mathematics teachers in putting in practice mathematics discipline moral education function during their teaching of the new curriculum implementing thorough two areas. Obtains related results which are used in the statistical knowledge to analysis processing data. The conclusion was: the high school mathematics discipline moral education function under the new curriculum standards helps to achieve the objective of the new curriculum reform, and promotes the overall development of students, truly achieves quality education.Finally, by the investigation, research and analyses, author proposed several suggestions of the high school mathematics teaching strengthens mathematics discipline moral education function under the new curriculum standard: 1) New curriculum standard in mathematics teaching implements mathematics discipline moral education function can promote student’s full-side development; 2) Reinforce the training of teacher about the new curriculum conception; 3) Renovate the teacher old teaching ideas; 4) Need further strengthen the implement of mathematics discipline moral education during mathematics teaching.

  • 【分类号】G633.6
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】479

