

The Fair-Tale of Hearts

【作者】 曹露丹

【导师】 王可君;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 设计艺术学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 随着社会节奏的不断加快,电影、电视、网络、书籍等各种视觉媒体的冲击,图画成为获取信息最快捷、最直观的方式,它的作用被极度扩展,无所不至。读图已经成为年轻人的一种阅读时尚,那种大部头、说教式的图书越来越难以吊起读者的胃口。那种正襟危坐、挑灯夜读的阅读方式已经有些不合时宜了。许多人更喜欢慵懒地躺在床上,听着音乐,在柔和的灯光下轻松地看看色调温和的图画,读上几句温馨并不乏哲理的文字。“绘本”正是在这样的背景之下得以迅速的发展起来。绘本注重用图画来讲故事、抒发感情。它以色彩丰富而又动人的图画,结合适量清新简洁而又恰倒好处的文字,创造出一种前所未有的阅读诗意境界。在绘本里,人物、动物、植物、环境,一切都变得美好而可爱,招人喜欢。在绘本里,图画就如同说话、写字一样,就有种想说就说,想写就写的感觉。它让人体味到新模式新视角所产生的惊喜,以及摆脱传统绘画框架的自由。本文从的个人视角出发结合相关的艺术和文化理论,对绘本的艺术表现语言做一个整理和归纳。透过对绘本热这一文化现象对绘本的历史演变过程;概念来源;国内外绘本的发展现状;绘本消费人群的审美心理,着重对绘本独特的视觉表现语言与作用等进行研究,分析中国内地绘本的发展优势与挑战,从而对中国绘本的发展出路进行展望。希望能更好的指导中国绘本艺术的发展。

【Abstract】 With the accelerating pace of society and the impacts of various visual media from films, television, internet and books, pictures become the quickest and the most intuitive way to access information. Their roles are extended to everywhere. It is fashionable to read pictures for young people, in contrast with those voluminous, preachy books, because those books are increasingly difficult to attract readers’ attention. It is out-of-date to see a young people staying up late just for reading. Many people prefer casually lying on the bed and listening to music, in order to look at the moderate tone of the picture in the soft lighting, reading the warm and philosophical text. ’Picture Books’ are rapidly developed in this context.Picture books pay attention to tell the story and to express feelings with the picture. Create an unprecedented reading poetic realm With rich colors and moving pictures, with simple and clean and appropriate benefits inverted text. In the picture book, the characters, animals, plants, the environment, everything becomes better and lovely. In the Picture book, the pictures like speaking and writing, to express the feelings. Let People appreciate it to the new model generated by the new perspective of surprises, as well as from the traditional framework of the freedom of painting.This text from the personal perspective and combine the relevant arts and cultural theory to collation and summarized the art of performance language. Through the heat of this cultural phenomenon on the books, I want to put in order and sum up the picture book’s history evolution of the process; concept sources at home and abroad books, the development of the status quo; consumer groups aesthetic psychology. Focusing on books, unique visual performance and the role of language study books, analyse the Mainland of China’s advantages and challenges of development and of prospect the development of Chinese picture books. Hope to better guide the development of Chinese picture books.

【关键词】 绘本艺术表现语言
【Key words】 Picture BookLanguage arts performance
  • 【分类号】J209.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】990

