

Research the Correlation of Physical Fitness Indicators and Maxymal Oxygen Uptake on High Schoolboys

【作者】 伍鸿鹰

【导师】 汤长发;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 运动人体科学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 研究目的:探析长沙地区中学男生的体质状况以及城乡差异;分析体质监测指标与最大摄氧量的相关性,并制定间接推算最大摄氧量的多元线性回归方程。力求弥补长期以来缺乏最大摄氧量与人体综合指标相关性研究的不足;为研究中学生的心肺功能、体质健康水平提供科学、合理的实验依据;为学生、教师及家长掌握学生体质健康状况提供方便、有效的测试方法;以促使学生加强体育锻炼,增进健康、增强体质,促进整个中华民族健康素质的发展。研究对象与方法:采用简单随机抽样法,从长沙地区城市、乡村各两所学校的在校学生中抽取初一、初二、高一、高二男生共240人为研究对象。运用运动生理学、体育测量学等运动人体科学的原理和方法,测量学生的身体形态、心血管机能、呼吸机能、耐力素质指标;直接法测定学生的最大摄氧量;采用均数比较、相关分析、回归分析等方法对数据进行统计处理。研究结果表明:1.长沙地区乡村男生的身体形态发育较城市晚。城乡男生身体形态发育指标与肺通气功能、耐力素质、最大摄氧量均显著相关,且多项指标的相关系数达0.7以上(P<0.01)。2.长沙地区乡村男生的肺通气功能比城市男生差。最大随意通气量与最大摄氧量中度相关(P<0.01),提示可作为测试中学男生肺功能水平的动态指标。3.台阶指数与最大摄氧量、1000米跑、12分钟跑均没有相关性(P>0.05),且不能反映出年龄变化规律,说明台阶指数不能确切地反映中学男生的耐力素质水平及心血管功能水平。4.长沙地区乡村男生的耐力素质较城市男生差。1000米跑与最大摄氧量的相关系数为r=-0.716,呈高度负相关(P<0.01);12分钟跑与最大摄氧量的相关系数为r=0.731,呈高度正相关(P<0.01);且1000米跑与12分钟跑的相关系数为r=-0.77,呈高度负相关(P<0.01),说明两者有较强的替代性。5.本文由1000米跑、12分钟跑及形态指标建立的多元回归方程可用于预测长沙地区中学男生的最大摄氧量。

【Abstract】 Objects: Try to find out the state of physical fitness of the high schoolboys in Changsha area and the differences between cities and rural areas. Analyze the correlation between the physical fitness indexes with VO2max, and then indirectly extrapolate VO2max by the multiple linear regression equation. In order to make up for a deficiency result from lacking of enough researches above. This paper offer a more scientific and reasonable experimental basis for helping to evaluate their cardiorespiratory function and the level of physical fitness, giving students, teachers and parents a more convenient and effective measure. Foremost, all above can promote stduents to strenghen sports physical training, enhance their health, reinforce their physical fitness, and boost the whole nations’ healthy qualities development.Subjects and methods: The subjects are 240 totally, which are taken from high schools , ranged grade one from grade two respectively. Use the theories and methods of the sports physiology and the sports measurement to measure body configuration, cardiovascular function, respiratory function, endurance capacity; measured VO2max of the subjects directly. Deal with the data using statistical treatment such as comparing the mean after the experiment, analyze correlation among them, do the regression analysis and so on.The results show that:1.The growth of the body configuration of subjects inclines to mature tardy in rural area of Changsha than in city. But the indexes of their body configuration match apparently up to their pulmonary ventilation function, endurance qualities and maximal oxygen uptake. Furthermore, most of correlation coefficient of indexes are greater than 0.7(P<0.01). 2.Pulmonary ventilation functions of the subjects in rural area of Changsha are inferior to that in city and the relativity of the maximum voluntary ventilation and VO2max matched moderately. These can be view as kinds of dynamic index, which indicate that it can be used to test the level of the lung function of the subjects.3.Step index, which has no statistics relativity with the VO2max, the 1000m run and the 12min run, can not reflect discipline of ageing change. That means the step index can not precisely reflect the level of endurance capacity and cardiovascular function of the subjects.4.The endurance capacity of the subjects are not as good in rural area of Changsha as that in city. The correlation coefficient between the 1000m and the maximal oxygen uptake is r= -0.716,is high negative correlation(P<0.01).Similarly, the correlation coefficient between the 1000m run and the 12min run is r= -0.77,is high negative correlation too(P<0.01). That means that both 12min run and 1000m run can be a substitute for each other.5.The multiple regression equation established by the 1000m run, 12min run and index of body configuration, which can be put into practice for forecasting the maximal oxygen uptake of the high schoolboys in Changsha area.

  • 【分类号】G804.49
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】503

