

Comparison and Study of the Scoring Ability of the Outside Players in Chinese and Foreign Men’s Basketball Team

【作者】 黄艳军

【导师】 刘伟一;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 第15届世界男篮锦标赛2006年9月已经在日本落下了帷幕,赛前被认为是历届参赛最强阵容的中国队,在拥有姚明、王治郅等优秀球员的中国男篮定下了挺进前八的远大目标,但比赛结果却以2胜4负的成绩又一次止步于8强之外。在本次世锦赛上中国男篮历经辛苦并以微弱优势战胜塞内加尔、斯洛文尼亚,而与其他欧美球队的四场比赛中,均以大比分失利;中国男篮在此次世锦赛上的失利,原因是多方面的,差距是全方位的。中国男篮的内线依靠姚明的出色发挥,足以同世界强队中锋抗衡,甚至还占尽优势,姚明上场时间平均每场为32.5分钟,得分25.3分,高居世锦赛场均得分榜第一,但是外线队员得分能力却有失水准,从头到尾始终不尽人意,才造成本次世锦赛的失利。得分能力是诸多因素的组合,是最直接反映一支球队运动水平高低的主要参数,没有较高的得分,如何赢得比赛的胜利?本文从得分能力的角度更具体地把中国队外线队员和与赛队外线队员进行比较研究,力求从中找到影响中国男篮外线队员得分能力的关键因素,使得为得分提供技术条件的所有因素均包含在得分能力这一范畴内。笔者在研究的过程中运用了问卷调查法、文献资料法、录像观察统计法、数理统计法、专家访谈法和对比分析法,对得分能力方面的相关因素加以分析,并制定相应的指标,进行对比研究,从中获得定量、定性的结果并提出了相应的建议,为中国男篮在今后的发展提供借鉴。

【Abstract】 The 15th world men’s basketball championship have already been played out in Japan, September 2006.Chinese team, with excellent players such as Yao Ming and Wang Zhizhi, was thought to be the strongest team and made its mind to reach the quarter-finals; however, they failed with 2 wins and 4 losses. In the world championships, The Chinese men’s basketball team has only won the Senegal and Slovenia been defeated in other four plays easily. The reason why the competition loses is in many aspects. With the good performance of Yao Ming, interior line of Chinese team could match the center of the strong power list of the world, and could even be on top. Yao Ming led the world championship with 25.3 points within the average 32.5 minutes a game. the outside players disgraceful, and can’t be up to expectations from the beginning to the end.The ability of scoring is the combination of several factors, which is also the main parameter mostly reflecting the athletic ability and performance of a team. How could a team win without a high score? From the perspective of scoring ability, this paper concretely compared exterior line team member of China and its rival, with the purpose of finding the key factor which work on the scoring ability of exterior line team member of Chinese men’s basketball, and making all the factors providing technique for scoring pertain to scoring ability. After adopting many methods such as referring to questionnaire, the documents, visual observation, mathematical statistics, expert-interviewing, comparison and so on, the penman here analyzed the related factor on scoring ability, drew up reciprocal guide line, did a contrast research, and consequently achieved a quantificational and qualitative conclusion, as well as some homologous suggestions which would provide use for reference in the development of Chinese men’s basketball in the future.

  • 【分类号】G841
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】249

