

On the Reform of Postgraduate Cultivating Model and the Construction of the Innovative Type Postgraduate Supervisor Team

【作者】 席华

【导师】 张传燧;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 研究生教育是高等教育的最高层次,其质量和数量是衡量一个国家高等教育发达程度和文化科学发展水平的一个基本标志,而研究生质量和数量与研究生培养模式密切相关。在研究生培养模式中,研究生指导教师队伍的整体素质又是关键的因素。因此,改革研究生培养模式,建设一支创新型研究生指导教师队伍,这是提高我国研究生教育质量的要求,也是推动社会经济发展的需要。本文以研究生培养模式改革为切入点来谈创新型研究生指导教师队伍的建设。论文分四部分对我国研究生培养模式改革与创新型研究生指导教师队伍建设进行研究。首先从总体上阐述了选题的缘由与意义、研究生培养模式与研究生指导教师队伍的相关研究;对模式、培养模式、研究生培养模式概念进行界定;接着分析研究生培养模式改革,所取得的成就和面临的问题及其走向,介绍了创新型研究生培养模式以及它的运行方式和对指导教师的要求;再接着对创新型研究生指导教师队伍进行分析,讨论了指导教师应具备的素质;最后提出了创新型研究生指导教师队伍建设的几点思考。

【Abstract】 Postgraduate education is the most high-level in the high education system, especially its quality and quantity is a basic signs, which measures the level of high education and the development of culture and scientific. And the quality and quantity of postgraduate and postgraduate cultivating model closely related. In the postgraduate cultivating model, the whole quantity of postgraduate supervisor team is the key. Therefore, the reform of postgraduate cultivating model and the construction of innovative postgraduate supervisor team is the requirement of promoting the quality of postgraduate education and the need of socio-economic development.From the reform of postgraduate cultivating model, it will underline the construction of the innovative type postgraduate supervisor team in the paper. The paper is divided into four parts as following: Firstly, it illustrates the project origin, significance, research methodology in the whole and defines model, cultivating model and postgraduate cultivating model. Secondly, it underlines the reform of postgraduate cultivating model. It lists some achievements and problems. And it raises it’s the trend towards reform, then it introduces a new postgraduate cultivating model, as well as its operating model and the supervisor’s requirements. Thirdly, it analyses the innovative type postgraduate supervisor team, and discusses what should be the quality of the supervisor. Lastly, it presents some advice on the construction of innovative type postgraduate supervisor team.

  • 【分类号】G643
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1186

