

A Study of Current Situation and Counter Measure of the Publication of "Three Issues Concerning Farmers" Books

【作者】 禹继来

【导师】 胡宏文;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 传播学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 农业、农村、农民问题是中国的根本问题,关系到国家的稳定、社会的长治久安和全面小康社会的实现。“三农”图书出版作为服务“三农”的重要手段,承担着提高农民文化素养、引导农民致富、促进农业发展等重大责任。近年来,“三农”图书出版进入了一个方兴未艾的时期,也是一个困难和矛盾凸显的时期,一些因素已严重制约着“三农”图书出版的繁荣。本文通过对“三农”图书出版的现状进行分析,总结出“三农”图书出版中存在的问题并剖析其原因,针对“三农”图书出版存在的困难提出了一些相应的对策,以期探求“三农”图书出版的可持续发展模式。本文分为三个部分。第一部分:“三农”图书出版概况。本部分主要是对“三农”图书的定义进行简单的界定,对“三农”图书出版的历史进行回顾,对近年来“三农”图书出版的现状进行概述。第二部分:分析“三农”图书出版面临的困境及原因。这一部分借助美国著名传播学者拉斯韦尔的传播模式对“三农”图书出版的各相关环节——传播者、传播内容、传播的渠道和受众中存在的问题进行分析,并探求其中的原因,力求全面把握“三农”图书出版的现实问题。第三部分:“三农”图书出版的对策研究。本部分是文章的重点,针对“三农”图书出版相关的四个环节,提出了相对应的策略:(1)健全出版社投身“三农”图书出版的可持续发展机制;(2)“三农”图书出版要追求“准”“精”“变”;(3)渠道建设实现多元化、立体化;(4)培育农村读者,打造书香农村。

【Abstract】 Agriculture、rural and farmer problems are the elementary issues in china, it concerns to country stabilization, social lasting government and peace, and the implement of building a well-off society in an all round. As an important means of serving "Three Issues Concerning Farmers", the publication of those books assumes magnitude responsibilities such as improving farmer’s culture accomplishments, leading farmer to a richer life and accelerating agriculture development. In recent years, the publication of "Three Issues Concerning Farmers" books begins to boom, but since some factors restrict the flourish of those book’s publication seriously; it faces various difficulties and contradictions.By analyzed the current situation of the publication of "Three Issues Concerning Farmers" books, the paper summarizes the problems existing in publishing, anatomies the reasons, puts forward some corresponding countermeasures to the publishing difficulties, expecting to find the persistent development mode.The paper consists of there parts:Part one: the general situation of the publication of "Three Issues Concerning Farmers" books. It briefly defines the definition of the publication of "Three Issues Concerning Farmers" books, reviews the history of those books publishing, and summarizes the current situation.Part two: Analyzing the difficulties existing in publishing and the reasons. In this part, the paper analyzes every relative process in publishing such as disseminator, the content of communication, the channel of communication and receipts, recurred to American famous communicational scholar Lasswell’s communication mode, research into the reason, and try to fully hold the realistic problem of the publication of "Three Issues Concerning Farmers" books.Part three: the study of the countermeasures to the publication of "Three Issues Concerning Farmers" books. This part is the emphases of the paper. To four courses concerning the publication of "Three Issues Concerning Farmers" books, it puts forward corresponding strategies: (1) establishing the persistent development mode of the publication of "Three Issues Concerning Farmers" books; (2) the publication of "Three Issues Concerning Farmers" books must pursue "accuracy" "perfect" "diversification"; (3) implement the channel’s construction into diversification and multidi mensional; (4) cultivating readers in rural region to built up civilized countries.

  • 【分类号】G239.2-F
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】163

