

Study on Commerce Circulation Industry Space Layout Patterns of Wangcheng Town

【作者】 周莉

【导师】 贺清云;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 商贸流通部门具体包括商业、交通运输、邮电通讯、饮食业、物资供销和仓储业等,是第三产业中的主要部门类型。马克思在《资本论》中提到过:流通是社会经济再生产过程中生产、分配、交换(流通)、消费中的一个独立的经济活动,是商品所有者的全部相互关系的总和,商品的生产以流通为前提。随着工业化和城市化的迅速发展,商贸流通产业作为联系城市间经济要素的纽带,其重要地位不断的显现出来。商贸流通产业由社会再生产的中间环节变成了重要环节,由末端行业变成了先导行业,成为决定经济运行速度、规模、质量和效益的基本力量。由于商业与城市的天然联系,商贸流通产业的发展也关系着城市的发展。望城县作为长沙市“大河西先导区”的重点开发县,其商贸流通产业发展必然受到长沙市商贸流通产业发展的影响,并在空间上有所体现。本文采用定量分析、定性分析以及对比分析等方法,对望城县商贸流通产业发展的空间布局模式进行研究。本文的主旨在于,从区域空间发展的角度,对商贸流通产业的空间布局问题给予解答。希望通过对两种商贸流通产业空间布局模式的对比,总结出符合望城县区域和产业发展态势的空间布局模式。本文的研究主要集中在以下几个方面:(1)阐明对商贸流通产业空间布局模式课题研究的背景及其意义,归纳国内外对商贸流通业空间布局研究的理论和方法。(2)结合望城县的实际,探讨其商贸流通产业发展的现状以及产业发展的优势、劣势、挑战以及机遇。(3)通过定量研究和定性研究两种方法得出望城县的商贸流通产业的两种空间布局模式,即高塘岭模式和雷锋模式并对两种模式进行比较分析,并得出望城县商贸流通产业发展应实行雷锋模式的结论。(4)研究雷锋模式下的商贸流通体系的建设,对望城县商贸流通发展功能区进行定位。(5)提出今后如何更好的建设望城县商贸流通产业的策略和建议。(6)对本课题的研究工作进行总结。

【Abstract】 Commerce circulation industry departments include commercial , transportation, postal communications, catering and supply. Commerce circulation is the main sector type of the tertiary industry. Marx in "Das Kapital" mentioned that circulation is an independent activity in Socio-economic processes (including production, assignment, exchange and consumption) and the sum of all relationships between owners of goods. It is also the premise of the production of commodities. With the rapid development of industrialization and urbanization, the status of the commerce circulation industry as linkages among cities, becomes more and more important and obvious. The commerce circulation industry becomes a key part and a pilot industry in the production process from the end industry. It is also a basic force that influences the economic speed, size, quality and efficiency. Because of the natural links between commerce and cities, the development of commerce circulation industry also influences the development of cities. Wangcheng Town as a ’Pilot in Hexi District’ of Changsha, its commerce circulation industry must be affected by the commerce of Changsha in the space layout. This paper uses quantitative analysis, qualitative analysis and comparison analysis method in order to study the space layout problem of the development of Wangcheng Town. The main object of this paper is to answer the space layout problem in term of district space development. By comparison two patterns of space layout of the commerce circulation industry, we present a better one for Wangcheng Town.This paper focuses on the following aspects: (1) Present the study background and significance of the space layout pattern of commerce circulation industry and summarize its theories and method. (2) Combining the actual of Wangcheng Town, study its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threatens in commerce circulation industry. (3) By quantitative and qualitative analysis, we present two space layout patterns. One is Gaotangling pattern and the other is Leifeng pattern. By comparison, we prove that the Leifeng pattern is more suitable for Wangcheng Town. (4) We study the construction of Leifeng pattern, and present the functional district of the commerce circulation of Wangcheng. (5) Present some strategies and suggestion for future work. (6) At the end of this paper, we conclude our work.

  • 【分类号】F727
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】415

