

The Preliminary Establishment of Reading Comprehension Test for 3~4 Grades

【作者】 张婷婷

【导师】 范晓玲;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 基础心理学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:初编3~4年级阅读理解测验,对测验的条目进行项目分析,对条目的信、效度进行初步检验。研究目的旨在检测三、四年级小学生语文的阅读理解能力,有针对性地帮助学生提高阅读理解能力,为学校提供改进阅读教学的方法,为临床诊断和治疗提供筛选工具。方法:本研究采用理论与经验相结合的方法,运用心理测量学理论中的经典测量理论(CTT),以晶体智力为基本理论框架,根据小学生阅读能力的特点,初步编制了3~4年级阅读理解测验,测验内容兼跨3、4两个年级,由单字理解、词语理解、句子理解、段落理解、快速阅读五大部分组成。通过条目的筛选和预测,组成题目形式相同,试题项目相等,难度相当的A、B两套试卷。本研究正式实测的样本均来自长沙地区,其中共抽取有效样本1062份,A卷533份,B卷528份,并获得重测信度有效样本A卷53份,B卷50份,获重测复本有效样本A卷51份,B卷41份。另外,获得效标样本49份。本研究采用各种测量学指标对测验进行项目分析和信效度检验。结果:样本特征统计分析表明除性别呈现显著差异以外,不同学校的样本分布符合抽样计划,测验的原始分随年级呈递增趋势。项目分析表明,A卷的平均难度为0.62,B卷的平均难度为0.63,难度在0.30~0.69之间的项目达到60%。A卷各分测验的平均鉴别力指数在0.33~0.44之间,B卷各分测验的平均鉴别力指数在0.35~0.44之间,均达到了优秀水平。信度分析的结果表明,A、B题本的重测信度分别为0.88和0.82,重测复本信度为0.85,A、B卷的α系数分别为0.80和0.84,这说明测验具有良好的可靠性。内容效度的考察采用专家评定法、复本法和经验法进行,结果表明测验的内容效度较高。从同时效度和预测效度进行效标效度分析,A、B卷同时效度的相关分别为0.73和0.85,预测效度的相关分别为0.65和0.72,表明测试题本具有良好的同时效度和预测效度。结构效度分析表明,不同类型的学校、不同年级之间均存在统计显著性差异,在部分分测验中存在性别差异的现象。探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析的结果表明,测试题本可以分为结构相同的五个因素,即单字理解、词汇理解、句子理解、段落理解、快速阅读,符合预期的标准。结论:测试题本难度稍微偏易,区分度相对较好;测试题本的各项目信度指标均达到了测验的测量学要求;测验的内容效度、效标效度和结构效度良好;A、B卷基本平行。

【Abstract】 Objective: The preliminary establishment of reading comprehension test for 3~4 grades gives an analysis on its items, and has an initial test on its reliability and validity. The aim of the study is to test the ability of reading comprehension for the students who are in 3~4 grades in the primary school, to improve the teaching methods of reading for school and also to provide tools for the clinic diagnosis and curriculum reform.Methods: Combining with theories and experience, this paper adapts the classical theory of measurement theory (CTT) of psychological measurement. Taking crystal intelligence as the basic theoretical framework, this paper initially establishes reading comprehension test for 3~4 grades according to the characteristics of primary students’ reading ability, the content of which is made up by words comprehension, phrases comprehension, sentences comprehension, paragraphs comprehension and fast reading for the 3~4 Grades. After preparation and calculation, it comes out two set of test paper A and B, which has same examining form, same examining items and same degree of difficulty. The formal examining samples all are assumed from Changsha, of which 1062 effective samples are adopted (533 in test paper A and 528 in test paper B). Then, 103 students did the same tests after one week (53 in A and 50 in B), 92 students did parallel test the another day. Moreover, 49 effective samples are adopted. The reading comprehension test gets item analysis, reliabilities and validities test by different measuring methods.Results: The statistcal analysis of sample shows that, besides the gender presents notable differences, the sample ditribution of different schools is in the conformity with the sampling plan, the firsthand score of the test increases progressively with grade. The item analysis shows that the project, the average difficulty of paper A is 0. 62, and that of B is 0. 63, item of which difficulty is between 0. 30 and 0. 69 reaches 60%. The average discrimination index of paper A is from 0.33 to 0.44, Paper B from 0.35 to 0.44, both achieves outstanding level. The result of reliability analysis shows that, the retest reliability is 0.88 and 0.82, the retest-parallel reliability is 0.85, the cronbach’ sαcoefficients of Paper A and B is 0. 80 and 0. 84. The result shows that the test has good reliability. The content validity investigated by expert judgment, alternative-form method and empirical method is relatively high. Analyzing by concurrent validity and predictive validity, the concurrent validity’ correlation of paper A and B is 0.73 and 0.85, predictive validity’ correlation is 0. 65 and 0. 72. The result shows that the test have good concurrent validity and predictive validity. The construct validity shows that, there is notable statistcal difference in diffferent grades and different schools, and there is a phenomenon of gender differences in some parts of the test. The exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis shows that, the test can be divided into 5 factors which has same structure, they are words comprehension, phrases comprehension, sentences comprehension, paragraphs comprehension and fast reading. It meets the expected standards.Conclusion: The difficulty of the test is appropriate and discriminations of it is very well. The items reliability and validity of the test has basically meet the requirements of survey. The test has good concurrent validity, predictive validity and construct validity. Paper A and B are parallel on the whole.

【关键词】 阅读理解能力信度效度
【Key words】 ability of reading comprehensionreliabilityvalidity
  • 【分类号】G623.2
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】367

