

A Study of Zhang Wentian’s Thought on Education of CPC Cadres

【作者】 王庆辉

【导师】 莫志斌;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文运用马克思主义唯物史观,对张闻天的干部教育思想做了宏观思考。笔者认为,作为我党老一辈无产阶级革命家,张闻天的干部教育思想内涵是非常丰富的,也是颇有鲜明个性特征的。对于张闻天干部教育思想的研究,既是对张闻天为我党干部教育所做贡献的一种有重要理论价值的纪念,又能为目前我党干部教育提供十分重要的思想参考资料。研究其干部教育思想,对提高我党当前干部队伍素质、完善我党干部教育手段,建设一支高素质的干部队伍,从而提高我党的执政能力,巩固我党的执政地位,从而全面推进社会主义建设事业具有十分重要的现实意义。本文正文共分四个部分:一是张闻天干部教育思想的渊源。这其中又分为三个部分:马列主义理论和毛泽东的干部教育学说是其理论来源,张闻天对于干部教育工作经验的总结和思考是其干部教育思想的实践基础。二是张闻天干部教育思想的发展轨迹。1、萌芽时期(1925—1935)。从1925年张闻天加入中国共产党到1935年1月遵义会议召开,张闻天彻底从“左”倾错误樊篱中摆脱出来;2、成形与成熟时期(1935—1946)。从张闻天在党内负总责到1945年末赴东北工作之前;3、丰富与发展时期(1946—1976)。从张闻天赴东北工作直到张闻天晚年。三是张闻天干部教育思想的丰富内涵:干部教育首先要注重思想教育、青年干部要加强自我修养、干部教育要有针对性、干部教育要发扬理论联系实际的优良传统、密切联系群众是干部教育的重要原则、要重视知识分子在干部教育中的作用。四是张闻天干部教育的理论价值。张闻天的干部教育思想不仅丰富和发展了马克思主义的干部教育理论、完善了中国共产党的干部教育学说,同时,也为加强我党的干部教育提供了宝贵的经验和启示。

【Abstract】 This paper macroscopically studies of Zhang Wentian’s thought on education of CPC cadres in the light of Marxist historical materialism. The author regards that, as a proletarian revolutionary of the older generation, Zhang Wen tian’s thought on education of CPC cadres has profound connotation as well as fresh and clear characteristics. The analysis of his thought is a memory of his contribution of making the important theoretical values of CPC cadres’ education and provides a significant ideological reference of cadres’ education. To analyze his thought has realistic significances in the aspects of raising CPC cadres’ quality, perfecting the means of cadres’ education, producing a contingent of high-caliber officials as well as in raising CPC’s governing capacity, strengthening its ruling position, and promoting in an all-round manner of building socialism.This paper is totally divided into four parts: the first part is the origin of Zhang Wen tian’s thought on education of CPC cadres which can be divided into three parts respectively: Marxism-Leninism theories and Mao Ze dong’s thought as his theoretical source; the summary and thinking of working experience as his fulfillment foundation. The second part is the development track of his thought on education of CPC cadres in which three periods are discussed: germinational period (1925-1935), from the time when he joined CPC in 1925 to the period of Zun Yi Conference in 1935 when he shake off the fetters of the erroneous "Left" policies; shaping and mature period (1935-1946), from the period of taking the main responsibility in the Party to the period before leaving for northeast China in the late of 1945; enriched and developed period(1946-1976), from the period of his work in northeast China to the period in his later years. The third part is the profound connation of his thought on education of CPC cadres, naming cadres’ ideological education, enhancement of the self- improvement of Youth cadres, having focused education, carrying forward the Party’s fine style, namely , integration of theory with practice and close link with the people, and valuing the role of the intellectuals in the process of cadres education. The forth is the theoretical value of his thought on education of CPC cadres. His thought not only enriches and develops the Marxist cadres’ education, but also perfects such kind of theory in CPC. Meanwhile, it provides precious experience and illumination in the enhancement of education of CPC cadres.

  • 【分类号】D262.3
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】233

